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It’s the (Other) Most Wonderful Time of the Year

by | Jan 23, 2014 | January, Link Up, Things I Think | 4 comments

It’s time for the Sheenazing Awards over at A Knotted Life!

These awards last year were kind of my coming out party as a blogger. So I have a very special place in my heart for them. Last year, I was nominated as Best Lifestyle Blog. I lost to Like Mother, Like Daughter. Awesome blog. Excellent lifestyle. I was nominated in that category again, and am really looking forward to conceding to Auntie Leila once again. 

Let’s take a look at some of the other categories in which I was nominated, and why I probably shouldn’t win those either.

Funniest Blogger 

In that category I should lose to Kelly of This Ain’t the Lyceum. Just look what she does to the blogs that beat her. I don’t need that kind of trouble.

Coolest Blogger

Ummm . . . that’s me on the right. Not that cool people.

Best Looking Blog
I CAN’T win this one, because I am currently working on a blog redesign, and if I win Best Looking Blog it will throw me into a paralysis of indecision. Obviously I couldn’t debut a new, lesser blog design right after a vote of confidence like this. But I’m excited about the new stuff. Don’t do this to me people.
Most Inspiring Blog
I’m pretty sure that facing tragedy with humor, forthrightness, grace, and openness to life should trump stories about zombie birthday parties and circus-themed homeschooling.
You should vote for Dwija. Or Nella. Not me.
Smartest Blog
I’m not going to attempt false modesty on this one. I like smart stuff. I like smart people. I hope I write a smart blog. I think Haley’s blog is smart. So is Christy’s. And Sarah’s. The whole list is great.
But if you don’t vote for Kathryn at Through a Glass Brightly as the smartest blog, you’re dumb.
Best Memes
Now, I like a good meme as much as the next gal. Maybe more. But, Catholic Memes better have this one sewn up. It’s kinda their thing.
Best Blog by a Mom
Grace won last year. And she’s like 25% more of a mom this year. How could I compete with that?
And Jen Fulwiler has just written down all 22 things you need to know to be a mom. All 22 things. Done. I even got a shout out in number four. So I’m going to content myself with that.
And that’s all my nominations. So I’m going to have to agree with Fulton Sheen (always a good idea) and say, “It’s Sheenazing to be nominated!”


  1. Laura Pearl

    Whether you win the Sheenazing Award or not, this blog is really a winner. I enjoy it so much. It fits so many categories–funniest, smartest, best blog by a mom. Keep doin' what you're doin'–I love stopping by here.

  2. Amanda

    Well whether you think you should win or not I already voted for you so there :p But yeah, I don't think anyone can beat out Auntie Leila, I mean, she's AUNTIE LEILA?! So you can't feel bad losing to her, it doesn't count.

  3. Kelly M.

    Yeah Kendra, don't make me unleash the full force of my Super PAC on you!
    However, I may be able to send some votes your way in the category of your choosing (except funniest) for the right price. And let me know if there's any other bloggers "giving you problems" because I can "take care" of them too.

  4. Anna Yager

    Wow! How is it that I had never run across Through a Glass Brightly before? What a treasure (just as your blog is!) Thanks for sprinkling gratitude fairy dust all around you.

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