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Liturgical Living for Beginners: An Our Lady of Guadalupe Play Date, with help from me and CCC

by | Dec 7, 2015 | Catholic Living, December, Liturgical Year, Sponsored | 6 comments

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I had such fun last spring putting together a St. Patrick’s Day play date that I decided to do another one . . . this time for the upcoming feasts of St. Juan Diego on December 9th and Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12th.

Getting started with liturgical living in the home can feel like a really daunting task. It did for me, anyway. But this is a festive time of year, and a great time to invite a few friends over. I love liturgically-themed play dates. Just a couple other moms, their kids . . . a couple of snacks, an activity, and a book or movie about the saint.

If you’ve never done ANY liturgical living in the home, this is a an excellent way to start.

Growing up in Southern California, I’ve always had a great love for Our Lady of Guadalupe. I remember girls coming to school with their hair in braids for the occasion. Is that a real thing? I don’t know. The internet won’t tell me. But it’s been fun keeping up that tradition with my own girls. Here’s 2012 . . .

Aww, look at tiny Anita!

But back to the party. I’m going to talk you through it step by step.


– the guests –

Probably, you’re going to want people to come to your party. So, you’re
going to want to invite them. I’ve done play dates like this for as few
as three and as many as thirty kids. I think ideal is around six to ten
kids. Evite is great for keeping track of people, but for something like
this, I find a good old-fashioned email is just as good, maybe better.
You can just type up the what, when, where and send it, or, if you’re
feeling fancy, you can make your own invitation image in Picmonkey, and email that.

 Or you can use this one . . .


If you right click on it, and save the image to your computer, you can then pull it up in Picmonkey and type in the text you want to add, save it again, then email it out.

Or ya know, just print it out, write on it with a pen, and hand it to people. Up to you.


– the craft –

I like to have a little craft available to do as families are arriving. It can be a simple coloring page and some crayons . . .
found here


found here
Or something a little more involved. Catholic Icing sells printable ornaments for all the advent saints, including Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe:
Or make your own tilma out of a paper grocery bag! We’ve done these, they turn out so cute.
Tissue paper flowers are great as a craft at the party for older kids, or if all your guests are little, you can make them ahead of time yourself for decoration. They come together quickly and are very festive and authentically Mexican.

– the snacks –

Kids like snacks. Everyone likes snacks. In fact, the food is where I’m
always tempted to get carried away. There are always so many cute ideas
out there. But too many choices is overwhelming for little kids, and a lot of work for hostesses. Usually one beverage choice plus water, and a couple of food choices is plenty.


Mexican hot chocolate is very popular with my kids. The real thing is called champurrado and it is UH-mazing, but unless you’ve got a Mexican grocery store nearby, you’re probably not going to be able to get the ingredients. It’s also kind of complicated to make. But very, very tasty. If you want to cheat, you can just make regular powdered hot chocolate and put cinnamon in it. Kids will still think you are pretty awesome. If you want to feel better about cheating, you can get the Mexican kind of powdered hot chocolate. 


The traditional side to the chocolate is churros, which are a long, fried, donut-type pastry. They sell them frozen at grocery stores around here, and they come with a special little tube you can microwave them in, so they come out crunchy. Then you roll them in cinnamon and sugar.


If you don’t want to invite a bunch of other people’s kids over to your house and then hop them up on hot chocolate and sugar-covered donuts . . . you could always go with quesadillas.

Kids love ’em.
A make your own nacho bar is fun, with chips, beans, cheese, salsa, sour cream, and guacamole.

– the entertainment –

After snack time, I like to have some sort of saint-themed entertainment for the kids. We have quite a few of CCC of America’s Saints and Heroes animated films, and they just so happen to have a perfectly lovely movie about St. Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is only a half an hour . . . just the right length for younger liturgical year observers.

JUAN DIEGO: MESSENGER OF GUADALUPE is the true story of how the Blessed
Mother chose a hero for a key role in a beautiful miracle that would
united diverse peoples and change the course of history. In the Basilica
of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City the miracle of the tilma of
Juan Diego may still be seen, just as it was seen by the bishop in 1531.

They make great gifts for kids, grandchildren, godchildren, etc.

And SPEAKING of liturgical living, tomorrow is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (when Mary was conceived, not Jesus) and it’s a Holy Day of Obligation, so get thee to church!

Here’s how we usually celebrate that one:

A Little Feast of the Immaculate Conception and a Little About Feasts


  1. Karyn

    That looks so fun! I think if I tried to pull that off here, my Baptists friends would hold a prayer meeting for my soul. Then again, maybe they already do because of my Mary statue in the front yard 😛

  2. Tracy Bua Smith

    We are getting together on Sat. night, Dec. 12,with families for a Mexican potluck! Love OLG story and devotion! Fascinating!

  3. Gabriela

    I love this feast! My family lives in Mexico and we grew up with huge celebrations on this day. My parents invited family and neighbors over, had champurrado, and also invited Matachines (people who dressed up as Mexican native folk dancers) who performed a ritual dance on my street in honor of Our Lady. It is so fun! Then there is a town parade with a lot of people re enacting the scene of Mary/Juan Diego with the Matachines from different parishes behind them. They dance from one side of town and end up dancing their way through the streets into the Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Anywho, sorry for the long post! It made me wish I was back home for this feast! 😉

  4. Patti

    We have the Juan Diego DVD already but I was going to use the code for a different DVD, but I was too late and missed the deal. 🙁

    • Kendra

      The code is still active, I'm not sure why it's not working for you! 😛

      If you're still having trouble, call 1800.935.2222 and they can take the order over the phone.

  5. Patti

    Oh, thank you! I tried again and it's still not working. Thanks for the phone number, I'll give them a call…we absolutely love this series!

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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