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If I’ve Been Sending You Harassing Emails . . .

by | Nov 19, 2014 | Blogging | 13 comments

It wasn’t me.

Someone has been entering this blog’s email address into the “my contact information” field of Catholic websites, and leaving harassing messages. I’ve gotten a few auto response emails back. One was a list of like 50 self-published books on Amazon about the priest abuse scandal that “I” offered as suggested reading to an order of nuns. Ugh.

So, anyway, if you’ve come to Catholic All Year to figure out more about the crazy person who has been sending you messages, unfortunately, I can’t help. Because I don’t know who it is. But, hey, stick around. It’s a fun blog.

And maybe you’ll join me in saying a quick prayer for whoever wants to harass Dominican nuns and volunteers at Lourdes, and use someone else’s identity to do it.


  1. Kris

    I just…..wow. I can't even think of a comment for that. Goodness.

  2. Hope

    Awwww… So sorry to hear this! I will pray for you and them. Crazy world we live in. But hey, your monster art IS cute!! You should frame that one. 😉

    • Kendra

      Thanks Hope. he really does make me feel better. :0)

  3. Ashley Sue

    It makes me a bad gypsy but I would never even think to do that. I'll be praying for that person or persons. Hope your day gets better.

  4. Anna

    Third try to leave a comment… This makes me sad, for you and for the impostor. I love your blog! It often makes me laugh and always makes me think. 🙂 Please keep up the good work!

  5. Anonymous

    Clearly someone is bored!

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