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Families to live

Catholic All Year

Catholic All Year

Hi and welcome!

My name is


I called it Catholic All Year because I have a great devotion to celebrating the liturgical year in the home, and getting to know the saints and seasons of the Church calendar through food, prayer, and conversation.

I called it Catholic All Year because I have a great devotion to celebrating the liturgical year in the home, and getting to know the saints and seasons of the Church calendar through food, prayer, and conversation.

I figured that’s what this blog would mostly be about. But if you read through my archives, you’ll find that I like to blog about a whole lot of crazy stuff, from parenting and pregnancy, to fixing up our big old, hundred-year-old house and creating a home chapel, to homeschool uniform and curriculum choices, to books and movies and Catholic Netflix, to catechism and international movements of prayer and fasting, to mommy wars and zombie theology.

fall in love with the liturgy

your Catholic faith
a memorable and meaningful
part of your busy family life now

Catholic blogger and mother of many, Kendra Tierney shares how her family incorporates traditional Catholic practices into today’s family life throughout the Church year―from Advent and Christmas, through Lent and Easter, to Pentecost and beyond. She provides ideas for stories, decorations, activities, and foods that will help you to celebrate your Catholic faith with your family and friends without expertise or much advance planning.

She also offers tips and tricks from her fifteen years in the Catholic mommy trenches on things like surviving bringing young children to Mass and saying a family Rosary.

Have fun doing it!


at home

What would your life Look like if you lived out The traditions of the Catholic faith?

Catholic All Year teaches families how to bring liturgical seasons and celebrations into their homes

Catholic All Year

Writing About Liturgical Living

We Survived The California Wildfires

We Survived The California Wildfires

On the very windy afternoon of Tuesday, January 7, I was driving up the hill to our Altadena home with a car-full of daughters, some mine, some newly acquired in my July marriage. Maeve and Livia were telling us about a 2006 Christmas romcom, The Holiday, in which...

Merry Christmas from the Tierneys & Nortons

Merry Christmas from the Tierneys & Nortons

Dear Family and Friends, Season’s greetings, and—yes, you’re not wrong—things are looking a bit different this Christmas! For those of you who have yet to hear the good news, we are now Tierney + Norton around here. Kendra and John Norton were married this summer and...

The 2024 Catholic All Year Christmas Gift Guide!

The 2024 Catholic All Year Christmas Gift Guide!

Why does the end of the year always feel like it's moving at double speed? Advent is coming and we're doing our best to be committed to no last-minute shopping this year. Our Advent goals include cups of cocoa, slowly decorating our homes, and praying the Christmas...

Start here

Not Sure Where to Begin? Get 10 Easy Tips To Live Catholic All Year!

LIVE the liturgy

Catholic All Year

wall calendar

This printable thirteen-month wall calendar (December 2021 – December 2022) has been thoughtfully designed with liturgical living in the home in mind.

Included on the calendar is every feast day on the Universal Roman Calendar, all the saints on the U.S. proper calendar, every saint included in The Catholic All Year Compendium, and dozens of other saints from the propers of other countries, and from the historic Roman Martyrology.

They are placed on this calendar according to their feast days on the current U.S. liturgical calendar. Liturgical seasons, holy days of obligation, solemnities, and required and recommended days of fasting, penance, and abstinence are noted.

Liturgy at Home


Living This
Liturgical Season

Get a Free Lent Workbook when you sign up to receive the weekly Liturgical Living Heads Up Want a weekly newsletter to help you bring the rich liturgical traditions of the Catholic Church into your home? When you sign up below, you’ll receive a free Lent Workbook in your inbox!


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Catholic All Year

Learn about the saints and the beautiful history and traditions of our Catholic faith with resources designed for families and busy Catholics of all walks of life. Each month, you’ll receive calendars, saint stories, posters, recipes, hymns, prayers and more.


/ month

Liturgical Living
Subscription Boxes

Bring Catholicism home with beautiful decor & easy feast day celebration materials delivered each month! Designed for busy lifestyles and coordinated with the Catholic All Year Compendium!

—Popular this season

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Start here

Not Sure Where to Begin? Get 10 Easy Tips To Live Catholic All Year!