update: I've edited this post to remove links and references to other people's articles, for fear of having misrepresented the positions expressed within. You're stuck with just my opinion now! --- 1 --- I have witnessed a lot of back and forth recently about the...

I Changed My Mind, the Internet is Awesome: 7 Quick Takes XVIII
--- 1 --- Two weeks ago, I had a quick take about how the internet can bring out the worst in people. But this week, oh THIS week, the internet has brought out the best in us. The fundraiser that Cari is running for Dwija is hands-down the awesomest thing I have been...
I Am Mr. Darcy: 7 Quick Takes XVII
New and Improved: now with awesome updates! --- 1 --- I set out to begin my quick takes this week with a zippy little analysis of Season 2 of Sherlock . . . but it really got away from me, quickness-wise. So it got to be it's own post. Check it out, if you're so...