I was hoping to get a conversation started with my previous post. That definitely happened. I Like to Think That I Would Die for Jesus I was impressed with the general tone of the dialog. I did have to delete some comments for breaking my long-standing rules against...

I Like to Think That I Would Die for Jesus
For some clarifications and considerations, see this follow up post, Abortion Jargon, Obedience, and Whether I Just Want to Kill All Priests: The Catholic + Coronavirus Can of Worms I suppose one never knows for sure until one is faced with the opportunity, but I like...
Catholics, Celiac, and the Dread Pirate Roberts
I'm turning the blog over today to reader Sarah Kaye, who has had an Advent to remember this year as she and her family learn to cope with a diagnosis of celiac disease and what that means for their Catholic faith, particularly reception of the Eucharist. With 0.5 -...
A Free Printable Confession Checklist, Gus’s Squeaky Clean Soul, a Giveaway, a Request
Gus, Gus, Gus. The boy of whom a priest once remarked, "Well, if you didn't want him to give you trouble, you probably shouldn't have named him Augustine." Touché. Gus is athletic and earnest and affectionate and goofy and confident. Really confident. Really, really...
Baptizing and Barfing: 7 Quick Takes XXXVI
Quick Takes late Saturday afternoon, because I just had a baby and I can . . . --- 1 --- So, things are still mostly great around here. Thanksgiving was delicious, Baby Lulu is sweet and squishy and sleepy. But also, there was barfing. Some on Thanksgiving, but...
I Changed My Mind, the Internet is Awesome: 7 Quick Takes XVIII
--- 1 --- Two weeks ago, I had a quick take about how the internet can bring out the worst in people. But this week, oh THIS week, the internet has brought out the best in us. The fundraiser that Cari is running for Dwija is hands-down the awesomest thing I have been...