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In Defense of Homemaking

In Defense of Homemaking

Ladies. We do not have to be suspicious of homemaking. Our talents and aptitudes may afford us opportunities that weren't available to earlier generations of women. But most of us also desire to have a husband, and children, and to create a home for them. To aspire to...

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Them's the Rules: Part II (Seven Quick Takes)

Them's the Rules: Part II (Seven Quick Takes)

Here we go on the second installment of . . . Them's the Rules! Wherein I share with you our family rules and things I say one hundred times a day, with images I made in a weird fit of graphic design-themed nesti-ness the day before Mary Jane was born. Here's Part I,...

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The Beauty of a   W   I   D   E   Family

The Beauty of a W I D E Family

I've been sold for some time on the benefits of a big family: many hands with which to share the work, and plenty of folks for games and conversation. But, really, the benefits I appreciate most in my big family, are actually because it's also a wide family. Having a...

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Surviving the Terrible Twelves

Surviving the Terrible Twelves

I'm terrible at taking blog breaks, or relaxing in general. But just in case I do happen to feel like relaxing with this new baby when the time comes, I've asked some of my favorite bloggers to guest post for me. But not in the usual way. Blogging is a great way to...

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Reflections, Printable Prayers, and Movie Reviews About Anxiety (andthe thing I'm trying not to be anxious about)

Reflections, Printable Prayers, and Movie Reviews About Anxiety (andthe thing I'm trying not to be anxious about)

Here are some Friday Seven Quick Takes for you . . . on a Saturday. 1. I'm at Blessed is She today, reflecting on Matthew 6:25-34. You know the one . . . Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall...

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