It's still Easter today! Happy Easter! Let's jump in the ol' T.A.R.D.I.S. and take a look back at the Triduum, just for posterity's sake, shall we? And let's, um, go backwards. 'Cause, why not? In case you missed it in all the hubbub yesterday, here are all the Easter...

Happy Easter from the Tierneys!
A very happy and blessed Easter from our family to yours. Here's what our day has looked like so far . . . And here's what we wore Easter Sunday . . . Lulu - eighteen months Dress and sweater: Boden Hat: made by a friend Shoes: Target Frankie - three Shirt: Old Navy...
A Little Peek Inside Our Easter Baskets (hint, it's mostly books) PlusGift Ideas and New Easter Printables
Happy Palm Sunday! Hosanna! Easter is one week away! Just in case you haven't finalized your family's Easter baskets, I thought I'd give you a glimpse of what is going to be in ours' this year (and yes, I pretty much JUST took care of all of this) . . . I've been...
Answer Me This: He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed. (Updated!)
If you know me in real life, fair warning, I have every intention of doing this to you over the next fifty days or so. The Paschal greeting, also known as the Easter acclamation, is an Easter custom among Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Eastern Catholic...
Last Minute Somewhat Free Easter Baskets
Before you rush out the door to the dollar store to put together an Easter Basket, here are a few ideas for lovely and edifying Easter gifts that you can make happen in a hurry. And sometimes for nearly free! Printables Shining Light Saint Printables! Just a word of...
Answer Me This . . . of Boggarts and Barbies (and Pageviews and Palm Sunday)
Updated! (now even MORE stuff at the bottom) Welcome to Answer Me This, a new Sunday link-up here at Catholic All Year. If you missed the big introduction post, here's a quick recap of the rules: I ask you questions, you answer them. You can answer in the...