November Recipes
St. Martin’s Weckmänn

St. Martin’s Weckmänn

St. Martin’s Weckmänn Weckmänn means “watchman.” These little bread men have been keeping watch over the celebration of Martinmas in Germany since the Middle Ages and make a lovely accompaniment to Six-Can Soup. To help them look more like Saint Martin, bishop of...

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Eggs in Purgatory

Eggs in Purgatory This dish, originally from Southern Italy, features eggs poached in spicy tomato sauce. The sauce is purgatory and the eggs are the souls hoping to escape, although the metaphor breaks down a bit once we get to the table . . . unless our tummies are...

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Peruvian Jugo Surtido

Peruvian Jugo Surtido

Peruvian Jugo Surtido Saint Martin de Porres was born in Lima, Peru in 1579. He served the poor, the sick, and his fellow Dominican brothers, working in the infirmary and the kitchen. He maintained an austere lifestyle, which included fasting and abstaining from meat....

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Martinmas Six-Can Soup

Martinmas Six-Can Soup

Martinmas Six-Can Soup I first saw this recipe in one of those parish fundraiser cookbooks at my grandmother’s house in Memphis, TN. It was called six-can soup, because each of the ingredients comes in a can. I like it as a simple, tasty, easy-to-assemble meal that’s...

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Soul Cakes

Soul Cakes

Soul Cakes Soul cakes are a Christian Hallowtide tradition dating to the medieval period in England, Wales, and Ireland. They were baked for All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days. On those days, adults and children would go knocking door to door, offering...

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