Can you believe it's Sheenazing Award season again!? Time really flies, 'eh? Anyway, I am honored to have been nominated in a few categories this year, alongside some really terrific blogs. And Blessed is She was nominated as well! Please head over to A Knotted Life...

It Happened Again . . .
I have once again been honored by a Liebster award, that most flattering of all chain letters. This time by Tammie of TTE Designs. I'm trying to talk her out of some of her amazing handcrafted jewelry for my upcoming Mother's Day giveaway, so here goes . ....
Good News and Bad News
The good news is that I WON a Sheenazing Award. Seriously. I'm flabbergasted. Unless someone calls for a recount, or I wake up . . . Catholic All Year won Smartest Blog and came in second place for Best Lifestyle Blog (Congratulations Haley!) ...