Health update: The husband's treatments are progressing and we * finally * got the test results we were waiting for and it was good news for the spine! Thanks so much for your prayers. Happy feast day! Red for Pentecost! #dontcountus #someofusareoutsick I’ve had some...

Pentecost is Coming: Celebration Ideas and Free Printables
Before Pentecost can happen, of course, we have to have the Ascension. The kids and I will be observing Ascension Thursday by flying from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. to meet up with the husband who is there for business all this week. It seems somehow fitting to be...
Pentecost is Bigger Than Christmas
Seriously. And don't try to pretend like you already knew. Unless, like me, you have kids who use the 1963 Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism for school. In which case, like me, maybe you found out that Pentecost is bigger than Christmas in front of your first...