Seems like a good time to update you all on a few of the goings on around here, shop, home, and family-wise . . .

Our In-Progress At Home Painted Chapel, aka how I spent my summer vacation
I keep waiting to be finished with the chapel to share it here, but I keep NOT being finished with it, and I'm tired of waiting. I made a ton of progress on it over the summer, but now that the homeschool year is going and with all the conference and book launch stuff...
I Have Some Things to Report: Part I (mostly house stuff)
Hey guys. Did you miss me? I figured there might still be a few of you who would be interested in some updates to my announcements in my last post (seven months ago!). Let's begin with the most exciting, shall we? Introducing . . . baby George! After a very fast (and...
So. Many. Decisions. (We went with Purse, Snail, Radio.)
The end is coming into hazy view on the horizon . . . of phase one, anyway. Phase one of at least three (but probably more like thirty-seven) phases of the fixer-upping of Gramblewood. Our contractor says he'll be done with the kitchen and the upstairs in about two...
A Few Things I Love About Living In an Unfinished House
I have so much to tell you all! All the different projects in the works, how the renovations are progressing, what I think about all the newsy things, weirdo stuff Frankie's been doing . . . But there's not much time to tell it, so today, you just get a peek at how it...
It's Moving Day! -party horn emoji- dot dot dot -sobbing emoji-
Well, the day has finally arrived . . . moving day. Let's catch up on the goings on around here, shall we? -1- He absolutely insisted on getting TAPED into the box, and I was like, "Of course nawww . . . what am I thinking? Yes. Yes, I will tape you into that box,"...
How to Turn a Ten Bedroom House Into A Four Bedroom House
Renovations are well underway at the new old house. It's amazing to see it start to come together after playing around with it on paper and on the computer for so many weeks. My friend Christy keeps pestering me for before and after photos, which don't exist because...
State of the Blog Address
I hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas! School starts up again around here today, for better and worse. I do like a break, but . . . Especially this year. This holiday season has been an absolute blur of new house stuff. There was some back and forth as to...