Oh, hi. Sorry, you caught me just reading this book in a completely regular, natural manner. 😉 It's my book launch day! The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion is officially available wherever books are sold, but, to be specific, you can get it from me here in...

A Little Peek Inside Our Easter Baskets (hint, it's mostly books) PlusGift Ideas and New Easter Printables
Happy Palm Sunday! Hosanna! Easter is one week away! Just in case you haven't finalized your family's Easter baskets, I thought I'd give you a glimpse of what is going to be in ours' this year (and yes, I pretty much JUST took care of all of this) . . . I've been...
Lulu Had a Birthday, and She’s Got Some Presents for You! (a giveaway from BabyLit, Shining Light Dolls, and Whole Parenting Goods)
Jack, my oldest, said of his baby sister the other day, "I think she's probably tied for the third best baby who ever lived. Jesus and Mary were probably better, but she's got to be at least tied with St. John the Baptist for third." Now, I don't have any way to...
The Grand Finale (and even more giving away)
Okay. Are you guys tired of this yet? I hope not. Because I'm still giving stuff away! To recap, here are the giveaways still ongoing . . . The Sacro Handmade Glass and Wooden Cross Giveaway at: How to Use Instagram Without an iPhone, and Why You Should Bother ...
Answer Me This . . . Hold the Mayo
First, some updates . . . I have a very special giveaway and a very special request, both ongoing. If you have a moment, please check them out here. Whatever my mystery itchiness is, it has subsided almost completely, which is just awfully nice. There's nothing like...
I Find a Momo a Righ Dare: Frankie’s favorite Look and Find books
Frankie here. My favorite pastimes include throwing things away in the trash can, getting my fingernails clipped, and banging on stuff in quiet places. But a very close fourth is finding Goldbug in this book. So when the fine folks at Quirk...
Our Favorite Christmas Picture Books
Reading this post from Haley at Carrots for Michaelmas and this post from Charlotte at Waltzing Matilda has made me realize that I really, really, really want our family to have 24 Advent/Christmas picture books that we love. Books that are pretty to look at and fun...
Spooky Stories for the Whole Family (and how to get them for free)
I like scary stories. I like them for me, and I like them for my kids. Especially in October. On our recent family vacation, I knew we'd have many, many hours in the car, so I downloaded some spooky audiobooks I thought could be enjoyed by all three generations along...
The Holy Spirit is My Felix Felicis: 7 Quick Takes XX
--- 1 --- The effects of Felix Felicis, as described by Harry Potter Wiki, are thus: Felix Felicis possibly works by providing the drinker with the bestpossible scenario. This usually registers in the drinker's mind in theform of an unusual urge to take a certain...