Many of you, after watching the episodes of Catholic All Year at Home on FORMED, have written us kind and encouraging and complimentary comments and emails (especially about Barbara and her regrets about that mouthful of salt—both times). Thank you! You’ve also...

On Not Being a VSW (Very Sad Widow): My Talk at the 2022 Fiat Conference
As most of you will already be aware, my husband Jim passed away peacefully in our home on July 9, 2022 after a long battle with cancer. More details, as well as a video of the funeral are available on this page: Funeral and Memorial Scholarship Information. If you'd...
The Ultimate Catholic Summer Challenge
It's summertime . . . . and the livin' is liturgical. As I say in The Catholic All Year Compendium, "Maybe we’ve got some extra downtime, and some time with all the kids at home, and we were going to eat dinner anyway, right? I try to find saints’ days to attach to...
Making a Rosary with No Special Tools and Almost No Knots (because knots are hard)
The Month of the Holy Rosary is coming up in October. I've written before here on the blog about saying the rosary (and made a video about it), so today I figure you're already convinced about saying it, and maybe you'd like to make one yourself! Below you'll find...
Liturgical Year Subscription Boxes, Meal Planner Catholic Mom Bundle, and New CAY Memberships!
Hey guys! I’ve been working for months on a bunch of new products and ideas and they all sort of came together at once, and (no surprise) many are liturgically seasonal, plus . . . I really like the creating of the things and I don’t at all like the marketing of the...
Merry Christmas from the Tierneys, 2020
Christmas Eve greetings, dear readers! Our Christmas cards are currently chilling with all their pals in a USPS sorting facility. So, if you get a card from us . . . it's coming! But in the meantime, and for all of you out there on the interwebs, here's a virtual...
A Potluck Is Better if We Don’t ALL Bring Jell-o Salad: Why I Maybe Didn’t Write About an Important Topic That’s Important to You
Every few months, I will get a message or two like one I received today, from someone who says she has followed me for many years but can no longer do so because I haven’t publicly supported a particular issue in the way that she thinks would be appropriate. I’ve...
Pentecost, Printables, Behind the Scenes, and Maybe Patreon?
As of February 2021, I'm switching CAY subscriptions from Patreon to this website! Click here to learn more about the membership options, and here to read why I'm making the switch. First, some good news! They won’t be open for Pentecost, but Los Angeles churches have...
Abortion Jargon, Obedience, and Whether I Just Want to Kill All Priests: The Catholic + Coronavirus Can of Worms
I was hoping to get a conversation started with my previous post. That definitely happened. I Like to Think That I Would Die for Jesus I was impressed with the general tone of the dialog. I did have to delete some comments for breaking my long-standing rules against...
I Like to Think That I Would Die for Jesus
For some clarifications and considerations, see this follow up post, Abortion Jargon, Obedience, and Whether I Just Want to Kill All Priests: The Catholic + Coronavirus Can of Worms I suppose one never knows for sure until one is faced with the opportunity, but I like...
Happy Easter! And a Tierney Family Update . . .
The thing about Easter is that it came anyway. Alleluia! Our In-Progress At Home Painted Chapel, aka how I spent my summer vacation I can't tell you how much joy it has given me to share liturgical living traditions with you guys during this time. Virtual community is...
Homemade Easter Candles or the Coronavirus Wins
Easter candles, you guys. EASTER CANDLES. We must have them. And really, my family can't imagine missing out completely on the stirringly beautiful beginning of the Easter Vigil Mass, with the fire and the candles and the Exsultet. The whole Easter Vigil is great of...
Four Effective Ways for Catholics to Pray When Separated from Mass and the Sacraments
Many of us do not now have access to the Eucharist, "the source and summit of Christian life." (CCC 1324) But let's not just throw up our hands and despair! We have recourse to a Morning Offering to unite ourselves to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered publicly...
Participating in the Mass from Home During the Coronavirus Quarantine
I usually try to create content that is "evergreen" as they say in the blogging world, that can be useful to people for many years. I sincerely hope that this post is not useful for long and that soon churches will be open and Masses will be public again and we, the...
Nursing Dresses I’m Recommending to the Virgin Mary (and you)
So, you've got a nursing baby. Hey, me too! And sometimes it's nice to go out in public and look cute and also feed the baby, right? You are the Mother of Incarnate God, free from all stain of original sin by a singular grace and privilege granted by the Father. *I*...
Season One Recap of My Show: Will there be more? Up to YOU.
The Catholic All Year Liturgical Living Show wrapped season one with a December episode on our At Home Nativity Play that I never managed to share here on the blog, because . . . baby > blog 😆🤷♀️. So, I figured I'd share it...
If You Want to Make God Laugh, Tell Him You’ve Decided Not to Go into Public Speaking
Last December, my book launch was over. We had had some time to sit with the diagnosis and treatment decisions. The current baby was almost a year and a half old and pretty easygoing, and I was un-expectant for almost the longest time in our marriage. I was finished...
Hooley at the Tierneys’ 2019: FAQs Answered
Another epic Hooley at the Tierneys' is in the books. I shared some photos and videos on Facebook and Instagram . . . and you guys had some questions. So even though it's St. Joseph's Day, I shall attempt to answer all your St. Patrick's Day party queries here. What...
The Catholic Mom Bundle Lent 2019
Lent . . . is coming. Finally. It's super late this year. Almost as late as it can possibly be. The latest since 2000 and the latest until 2030 when Easter will be on April 23 again. In 2038 it will be on April 25th, the latest possible Easter! I might be the only...
A Sackcloth and Ashes Rosary Challenge
I thought this would be a good time to check in with everyone on our #sackclothandashes campaign. And add a little bonus challenge! Don't know what Sackcloth and Ashes is? See here, then here. The response to this campaign has been really and truly humbling and...
The Scandal That Just Won’t Stop: Sackcloth and Ashes II
One of my intentions for the forty days of prayer and fasting for #sackclothandashes has been that ALL of the evil in our Church that has been hiding in shadow will be brought into the light. . . . But I did not expect this. I respect the Church as an...
Sexual Abuse, Sackcloth, and Ashes: Meeting Scandal with Acts of Reparation
We find ourselves again rocked by scandal in the Catholic Church. On Aug. 14, a Pennsylvania grand jury released its report on an 18-month investigation into seven decades of clerical sexual abuse allegations in six Pennsylvania dioceses. The details are sickening and...
An Easy, No Mess, Kid-Friendly, Not-Crafty-Mom-Friendly, Last Minute Advent Wreath and a Guide to the Upcoming First Week of Advent
Advent starts tomorrow! And that means tonight is Catholic New Year's Eve, so break out the champagne! If, like me, you are not quite ready to, um, get ready, I thought I'd share this quick and easy Advent Wreath that is our go-to every year now. We've had lots...
Do Catholics Need the Elf on the Shelf?
I had every intention of not wading into the Elf on the Shelf debate, because it's really not a matter of faith and morals, and is therefore something about which good Catholics are free to make their own choices, and follow their own consciences, and disagree. But...
Stuff I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You: including calendar explanations and errata, crazy plans, and other fun announcements
First off, I have to say how excited I am that anyone other than me wanted this calendar. I just can't believe how many of you have purchased it and are looking forward to starting off the new Catholic year on December 3rd and observing the feasts and the fasts. And...
Easy Family Activities for the Month of the Poor Souls in November
For Catholics, November is the month we remember the dead. On November 1st, we celebrate all the saints in heaven, who are our hope and help and inspiration. The rest of the month, we focus on the holy souls in purgatory. (They are also called poor souls . . . same...
All Saints' Day Costume Backlash: only neat and tidy saints need apply?
Hey guys. 👋 I'm still not back. The book is coming along, but there's still a ways to go. But. I got this mailbag question via email and answered it via email, and wanted to share it here, just in case any of you are facing the same criticisms. I really hope...
The Pope Francis Conversation . . . or, Go Talk to Your Father, it’s His Feast Day
Hey Guys. Today is the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. In light of current events, it seems especially important to remember what we celebrate today. According to Pope Benedict: This is a very ancient tradition, proven to have existed in Rome since the fourth...
Pro-Life is Complicated, and How You Can Help
Last month we had the unfortunate anniversary of Roe v Wade. Many cities, including my own Los Angeles, hosted Walks for Life, but our family wasn't there. We weren't there because we were at a funeral, for a baby named Emily Rose Marie. We are fortunate enough to...
The Blessed Virgin and the Blasting Out of the Baby Jesus
When I was expecting my second baby, lo those many years ago, my oldest would happily tell anyone in earshot that the new baby was going to "blast out" of mommy sometime soon. He also thought that maybe it was going to be a baby elephant, "like Dumbo." He was wrong ....