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Pope Joan?

Pope Joan?

Rather heavy things loom on the horizon around here in general, and on Friday specifically (click for details here, but only if you have a hankie handy) . . . and Lent is here and Holy Week is coming for all of us. But we Christians know there is always a light in the...

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Epiphany House Blessing

Epiphany House Blessing

Happy New Year's Eve! New Year's Day, aka the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is coming up tomorrow, and is a holyday of obligation in many countries, including the US and Canada, so get thee to Mass! The next major feast day after that is Epiphany, one of our...

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Merry Christmas From the Tierneys!

Merry Christmas From the Tierneys!

Happy sixth day of Christmas! I hope you are all enjoying your holidays. I wanted to pop in here to share our 2018 Christmas Card with all of you. For reasons I explained here, I'm redacting a bit of the text, but if you zoom in on the image of the card itself down at...

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Them’s the Rules

Them’s the Rules

So much to update you all on! But that's not what's happening today. TODAY, I'm just popping in with this post that has been in my drafts folder for three years, because I just happened to reference our family rules in today's Blessed is She devotion and awoke to a...

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A Prayer Request for our Family

A Prayer Request for our Family

We're facing a family challenge, and I'd love to have your prayers, and for you to know why I might not be around the blog as much as I had hoped to be. But then again maybe I will, I just don't know. Please click here to read the explanation. And thank you for...

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