I don’t want to fall into hyperbole, but the apostolate of bringing a meal really and honestly changed the way I see the world. It changed my heart when it happened to me, and practicing it for others is something that brings me great joy. While I was expecting my...
A Spy Wednesday Activity We Love and Good Friday Activities We Avoid
Spy Wednesday "Spy" Wednesday 🕵️♂️ is the name traditionally given to the Wednesday of Holy Week. This is the day Judas betrayed Jesus, telling the high priest when Jesus would be in a place where he could be more conveniently arrested, in exchange for thirty pieces...
Now Available: The Real Thing
Seems like a good time to update you all on a few of the goings on around here, shop, home, and family-wise . . .
Poor Nathan Pyle (I’m Thinking We Didn’t Help His Situation)
Nathan Pyle is the creator of a comic called Strange Planet, in which blobby aliens do regular people stuff and describe it in unusual ways. It’s gentle and amusing and, until very recently, utterly uncontroversial.
Pope Joan?
Rather heavy things loom on the horizon around here in general, and on Friday specifically (click for details here, but only if you have a hankie handy) . . . and Lent is here and Holy Week is coming for all of us. But we Christians know there is always a light in the...
Feeling Grateful . . . Anyway
New prayer booklets for April, and other new printables for Easter and the sacraments are up in the shop, details at the bottom of the post, or see here. If you're new around here, you can get up to speed on this particular issue here. And the recent, not so great...
Hooley at the Tierneys’ 2019: FAQs Answered
Another epic Hooley at the Tierneys' is in the books. I shared some photos and videos on Facebook and Instagram . . . and you guys had some questions. So even though it's St. Joseph's Day, I shall attempt to answer all your St. Patrick's Day party queries here. What...
Stations of the Cross Clickbait Title Alert: Are You Doing This One Important Thing Wrong?
There's an all new Catholic All Year Liturgical Living Video up, all about the Stations of the Cross! Scroll on down to check it out. And because I love you guys . . . you get a bonus video this time. I die. every. time. It's the cutest. If it looks like Mary Jane is...
Lent vs Advent: Penance or Preparation, Counting Down or Counting Up
Mailbag Question! Q: I've heard people talk about Advent and Lent both being seasons of penance during the liturgical year. Can you help me understand how to explain the differences in the seasons to my family, and how to observe them in the home? A: Ooh, good...
All of Them, or: I Have an Announcement to Make
It is with great joy and relief that we announce that we are expecting Tierney baby number ten in September, as I think we can all agree that nine is a very odd number of children to have. I mean come on, Your Highness, get these kids under control. What are they even...
The Catholic Mom Bundle Lent 2019
Lent . . . is coming. Finally. It's super late this year. Almost as late as it can possibly be. The latest since 2000 and the latest until 2030 when Easter will be on April 23 again. In 2038 it will be on April 25th, the latest possible Easter! I might be the only...
Taking Up Something for Lent
The Catholic All March booklets (physical booklets are available here), plus a bunch of new printables for Lent, are available now in the shop. More details below. 👇 Ash Wednesday is coming up in less than two weeks! (It's super late this year.) The actual...
Celebrating Candlemas and St. Blaise in the Home
Coming up next weekend, we have two feast days that I love for the sheer weird-old-Catholic-ness of them: Candlemas and St. Blaise. Candlemas, which occurs 40 days after Christmas on February 2nd, celebrates the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. This was the day...
Shtisel on Netflix, and Crimes I Committed for My Orthodox Jewish Neighbors
Hey guys! The Catholic All February prayer/devotion booklets are done! (These are companion books to the Compendium, with all the prayers, blessings, devotions, and Bible readings I recommend for the month all in one easy-to-use spot.) Check it out as a printable pdf...
Five Ways We Incorporate Prayer into Our Liturgical Living
Happy New Year! I got this mailbag question and typed up the response a couple of weeks ago, emailed my reply to the questioner, and set the post to publish today. And then I got to thinking . . . and I ended up spending every spare moment I had since then creating...
Epiphany House Blessing
Happy New Year's Eve! New Year's Day, aka the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is coming up tomorrow, and is a holyday of obligation in many countries, including the US and Canada, so get thee to Mass! The next major feast day after that is Epiphany, one of our...
Merry Christmas From the Tierneys!
Happy sixth day of Christmas! I hope you are all enjoying your holidays. I wanted to pop in here to share our 2018 Christmas Card with all of you. For reasons I explained here, I'm redacting a bit of the text, but if you zoom in on the image of the card itself down at...
Jesse Tree Dropout? Try the REAL Nine-Day Christmas Novena!
Why yes this IS a new blog-do . . . 💁♀️ What do you think? I really REALLY love this tradition. With my book out and the approximately 4672 radio and print interviews I have done in support of it, I am very often asked what is my favorite liturgical living in the...
Hey, I Started a Tiny Liturgical Living Show, plus Reminders for Advent and the Feast of St. Andrew
Hey guys! Advent is JUST around the corner. In fact, today is the feast of St. Andrew, which, for us, kicks off our Advent traditions. (Even though Sunday is the actual beginning of Advent.) The very first thing I recommend in the Catholic All Year Compendium is the...
Our In-Progress At Home Painted Chapel, aka how I spent my summer vacation
I keep waiting to be finished with the chapel to share it here, but I keep NOT being finished with it, and I'm tired of waiting. I made a ton of progress on it over the summer, but now that the homeschool year is going and with all the conference and book launch stuff...
Them’s the Rules
So much to update you all on! But that's not what's happening today. TODAY, I'm just popping in with this post that has been in my drafts folder for three years, because I just happened to reference our family rules in today's Blessed is She devotion and awoke to a...
A Sackcloth and Ashes Rosary Challenge
I thought this would be a good time to check in with everyone on our #sackclothandashes campaign. And add a little bonus challenge! Don't know what Sackcloth and Ashes is? See here, then here. The response to this campaign has been really and truly humbling and...
The Scandal That Just Won’t Stop: Sackcloth and Ashes II
One of my intentions for the forty days of prayer and fasting for #sackclothandashes has been that ALL of the evil in our Church that has been hiding in shadow will be brought into the light. . . . But I did not expect this. I respect the Church as an...
Sexual Abuse, Sackcloth, and Ashes: Meeting Scandal with Acts of Reparation
We find ourselves again rocked by scandal in the Catholic Church. On Aug. 14, a Pennsylvania grand jury released its report on an 18-month investigation into seven decades of clerical sexual abuse allegations in six Pennsylvania dioceses. The details are sickening and...
A Compendium Update, Liturgical Living for June, and Coloring Pages!
This is from the introduction to the (forthcoming) Catholic All Year Compendium, that I wrote for the pitch I submitted to the publisher, back in 2015: "Sometimes all you really need is a little enthusiasm and the willingness to give things a try. The easiest way is...
A Memorial Day PSA, a Prohibition Party, St. Philip Neri, and Mugs, Mug, Mugs
1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your love and support on my last post. I knew you guys were going to be the BEST, but I was still blown away by it. 2. It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US of A. This is a FB post the husband shared a couple years back. I...
A Prayer Request for our Family
We're facing a family challenge, and I'd love to have your prayers, and for you to know why I might not be around the blog as much as I had hoped to be. But then again maybe I will, I just don't know. Please click here to read the explanation. And thank you for...
Moms of Difficult Toddlers, Rejoice: Catholic Stuff Saturday
It's been a very busy week and is going to be an even busier weekend, but I wanted to pop in here to share some thoughts that really resonated with some of you already. From a social media post . . . Mothers of difficult toddlers, rejoice. There is hope. This guy is...
I’m Not Mad About the Met Gala, Except That I Wasn’t Invited: Catholic Stuff Saturday
Happy Saturday folks, the winner of last week's giveaway is at the bottom! If you are a fashionable celebrity who reads this blog, you're probably aware of last Monday's Met Gala. For the rest of us, the Met Gala is a yearly red carpet/costume party thing where famous...
Mary, Mother of the Church: a New Feast Day! (Plus Other May Feast Days and . . . My Book Cover!)
When I did my reader survey, the one thing you guys asked for above all other things was that I give you some advance warning for feast days. The problem with that is that my personal liturgical living style is mostly getting a reminder on my phone at 9am, realizing...