Kendra’s YouTube
The Family Rosary (why is it SO hard?!)
Easy DIY Easter Candle!
Using and Disposing of Sacramentals
Praying for the Dead with Children
Recent Guest Articles / Interviews
Turn to Favorite Titles for Mary During This Month of the Rosary
National Catholic Register
October 16th, 2021
Episode 95: Celebrate the Holy in Halloween
The Homeschooling Saints
October 20th, 2021
The stores are full of Halloween candy and decorations that suggest a rather pagan celebration, but this is a distinctly Catholic time of year with a fascinating history and delightful traditions just waiting to be enjoyed with our families. Today, we are blessed to have bestselling author, Kendra Tierney, here to help us Celebrate the Holy in Halloween!
Podcast Appearances
Prepping for Lent & The Pray Film (Kendra Tierney/ Megan Harrington)
The Catholic Current
February 8, 2021
FoC 100: Living Liturgically Like A Boss with Kendra Tierney
Fountains of Carrots Podcast
November 27, 2018
More Podcast Appearances
Outside the Walls— #SackclothAndAshes, Our Role in Addressing the Abuse Crisis
Kendra Tierney, of “CatholicAllYear.com” shares the story behind the #SackclothAndAshes online movement to pray, fast, and do penance in reparation for the Clergy Abuse Scandal.
Skydiving is in Your Future // Blessed Is She
In this episode, Beth and Jenna chat with the lovely Kendra Tierney, wife, mom, writer, and liturgical living extraordinaire. She shares how we can look at the Church year and rhythms of the Church and integrate it [more seamlessly] into our lives.
The Homeschooling Saints Podcast: Celebrating the Octave and Epiphany
Celebrating the Octave and Epiphany In the secular world, Christmas day is a huge letdown. But in our beautiful Catholic traditions, we’re just getting started having fun! Today, it is a great joy to have bestselling author, Kendra Tierney, here to tell us about Celebrating the Christmas Octave and Epiphany!
CNA Newsroom: Candles Amid the Rubble
Catholic author Kendra Tierney shares how her family celebrates the Advent season at home – and how you can celebrate at home too. We’ll share the story of Father Alfred Delp, a German Jesuit who clung to the hope of Advent despite his imprisonment – and execution – by the Nazis during World War II. We’ll talk about the Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols – and even hear some beautiful music by the choir at Wyoming Catholic College.
Color of Thought: Jim & Kendra Tierney: Prudence and the Life of Virtue
Join my friends Jim and Kendra Tierney – from the Catholic All Year blog – and I as we talk about how they raise their teens in the life of virtue.