My Five Favorite Things About the Sheenazing Awards

by | Jan 21, 2015 | Five Favorites, January, Major Awards | 32 comments

Can you believe it’s Sheenazing Award season again!? Time really flies, ‘eh?

Anyway, I am honored to have been nominated in a few categories this year, alongside some really terrific blogs. And Blessed is She was nominated as well! Please head over to A Knotted Life and check out all the nominees and vote, vote, vote! But only once per person. Rules are rules.

And now, I’d like to share my five favorite things about the Sheenazing Awards!

1. The Sheenazing Awards Define Our Community

“The Blogosphere” is a big, untidy, nebulous thing. It can be unkind, and NSFW. Even some of the Catholic parts. But WE have a nice part. We have a part that’s supportive and encouraging. We have a part that encourages healthy debate and friendly disagreement. I love our part. And, to me, our part is the Sheenazing part. This award defines my internet comfort zone. All of the internet that I know and love is here. I sometimes explore outside its cozy borders, but I’m never surprised when there be dragons out there.

2. Getting Nominated for One Was Kind Of My First Big Thing

I had been blogging for one month when I received my first Sheenazing nomination. And God bless whoever it was who nominated me. I think at that point you only needed one nomination to make the ballot, I can’t imagine I had more that. When I started this blog, I did it the way I do most things, with a lot of confidence and very little planning. I had no idea there were other bloggers like me out there. But there were. There were bloggers out there doing the liturgical year, and homeschooling, and fashion, and photography, and media, and pop-culture. And in most cases, they were doing it better and with more love. I’ve found so much inspiration from reading these other blogs. I’ve learned to be more careful in how I word things, and more cognizant of the fact that two people can do things differently from one another and still both be good Catholics and good mothers. And I learned that from other Sheenazing blogs.

3. The Sheenazing Awards Help Blogs Grow

I didn’t win that first Sheenazing Award. But I did win one the next year. And a big part of the difference was the new blogs I found to read, and the new readers who found my blog, all because of my nomination. These nominations and awards are Catholic blog outreach, helping new blogs find readers, and helping tiny blogs get a little less tiny, and helping little blogs become pretty big (in their own tiny little niche of the internet).

4. The Sheenazing Awards Encourage Bloggers and Blogging

I love that these awards exist at all for us. Most of us bloggers spend a LOT of time on our blogs, and most of us don’t make much (if any) money doing it. We do it for the community, and because we love writing. But, even so, it’s pretty awesome for someone to say, “Hey, good job.” That’s what these awards do. I even love that there’s no prize. It doesn’t need one. It’s just special because it’s special. And I love that Bonnie’s blog isn’t some official “Catholic Blog Conglomerate.” She’s just one of us.

5. I heart Bonnie

Speaking of Bonnie, I honestly can’t remember how she and I blog-met. I’m assuming I started following A Knotted Life after my first nomination, then we had the whole Silver Linings Playbook thing, which I could have handled better, but she was really sweet about. Then I commented on one of her posts that summer and she invited me to come over, and I was in Chicago, so I packed up the kids in my in-law’s minivan and I did. And now I’ve been out to see her a TON of times considering that I usually live in Los Angeles. And she is a very dear friend.

She puts in hours and hours of work on these awards out of the goodness of her heart all just so we Catholic bloggers can have some fun and meet new blogs and get a little recognition for what we’re all doing to make the internet a little nicer place to be in. She makes all of that happen for us. It’s pretty great.

So, please, vote. And give Bonnie a little love, too. She won’t win a Sheenazing Award, but she’s the MVP of this whole corner of the blogosphere.

I have yet to cast MY votes, so if you have a blog and are nominated, or you are especially fond of any of the nominees, especially in the Underrated or Non-Papist categories, let me know in the comments!

And, I’m linking up with fellow nominee Jenna of Call Her Happy for #5Faves today. Head on over there to find out what else folks love today.


  1. Emily Barnes

    I just got my first nomination this year and it is so exciting! (Miss Congeniality) I feel very lucky to be a part of such a wonderful community, even if my blog is rather small. Thanks for all you do, Kendra!

  2. Jenna@CallHerHappy

    I love that it cures my blogging rut. Each year in the winter I tend to slow down, but the awards put some pep back in my step!

    Thank you for linking up with me, Kendra ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Caroline

    Kendra! I had never before read a blog (I don't think, unless it was tied into a news article somewhere), and I stumbled upon yours, and now I enjoy my first cup of coffee on your blog each day, and if there's nothing new, I look about at older posts and always stuble upon something good. It beats looking at the news sites I tell you- and I've discovered other bloggers via yours, so thanks for that too.

  4. Natalie Zambreski

    Totally agree about the encouragement! I love that it's introducing me to other awesome bloggers!

  5. Jacqui Skemp

    Oh for fun ๐Ÿ™‚

    I was nominated for Best Under-Appreciated and Best Lifestyle. I'm super flattered that my little ol' blog was even nominated.

  6. blythe

    Tales of me and the husband for non-papist!! She's so great!

  7. priest's wife

    I'm nominated where you aren't- best under-appreciated blog –

  8. Amanda

    The Catholic blog bubble is probably responsible for my reversion to the Church, no joke. It was seeing all these women in love with their Faith that got me thinking and it was Jen Fulwiler's book that got me reading and then there was no turning back.

    It is my anecdotal experience that the mother-of-many Protestant blogs have a really different feel. Maybe because they go against the general Protestant grain? Anyway, there is a joy in Catholic motherhood coupled with a willingness to admit that some. days. are. long. On the blogs anyhow ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Kendra

      I love hearing that Amanda! Joy and chaos, we got 'em.

  9. Francine

    I was so excited last year when I was nominated (pretty sure it only took one kind soul for that one) and tried not to get my hopes up for this yearโ€“and was thrilled to see my blog ( nominated for the Best Under-Appreciated category. I love the awards for all the reasons you listed. It's such a great way for us to cheer each other on and support each other, all while finding new friends. Bonnie is the best for taking this on!

  10. Ashley Sue

    I'm so glad that these awards exist! I have found so much encouragment and inspiration from the blogs found in those lists. Between the Linens ( was nominated for under appreciated and lifestyle. Just the nomination has been fabulous but a win would be pretty sweet too.

    • Kendra

      I was so happy to see you on the list Ashley Sue!

  11. Amy @ Motherhood and Miscellany

    I found your blog for the first time after stumbling onto the Sheenazing awards last year, and now this year I've been nominated! (Best Under Appreciated and Best Looking) You articulated perfectly why these awards, and Bonnie, are so special ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Kendra

      I've found so many blogs that same way. And congratulations!

  12. Conceiving Hope

    I loved this post, Kendra. I've only been at blogging for about 6 months now, so a lot of what you said really resonated with me since I made the "honorable mention" category this year. The entire award idea is just so much fun. I have blog-met so many people this week because of it and my reading list just tripled. It really is a huge encouragement to your faith when you can see all the other Catholics out there blogging on "our part of the internet". So wonderful to have that fellowship for this introvert! All that is to say – great list! Happy voting! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Amanda

    Love all of these! So neat to hear more about your start too ๐Ÿ™‚ I know you've shared before but it's fun to know you were nominated so soon after blogging! so awesome! and Bonnie is so wonderful, thoughtful, and all things loving to put this together!

    I'm an uber small blog that's starting to find my footing a little bit more in the Catholic blogosphere. The community has been such a blessing to me in my vocation. Being nominated for Miss Congeniality made my heart swell! Seriously still in shock but so honored and thankful that my little space and presence has been encouraging in this beautiful Catholic blogosphere I came upon 3 or 4 years ago. I blog at ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Kendra

      I did NOT get nominated for that one. Hmmm . . .

      But, whatever, congratulations. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Kendra

      Annika, your blog is great! And what an amazing life you are living!

      Also. I've just spent quite some time clicking around and . . . are you SURE you're not Catholic? Because, it seems like you are. A lot. You've got all the social issues right as far as I can tell. So, you can email me about the real presence and the perpetual virginity of Mary and then we'll sign you up. M'kay? ;o) kidding-not-kidding

  14. Lindsay

    I was so floored to be nominated for Best Under-Appreciated Blog! It was even more delightful that three other blogs I follow (Bear Wrongs Patiently, Super Swell Times, and This Felicitous Life) were also nominated. I guess we've just been hanging out with each other this whole time.

    I still get referrals from the post where you wondered why solemnities were in a certain order in a picture book and I spotted them in liturgical year order (not calendar year). Made. My. Day. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Kendra

      That's hilarious Lindsay. And I totally remember that comment. It was so obvious! How did I not see that?! I'm so glad you did before I embarrassed myself in front of TOO many people!

  15. Annery

    I was nominated as Best Under Appreciated as well – reading the other comments, I think most of us in that category are reading this ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Hannah D.

    I love Catholic All Year because you are a gifted writer. And because I happen to agree with 99% of the things you say – but I suspect I'd like it here even if I didn't ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Lauren @ Here We Geaux

    Yes yes yes! Though there is at least one negative to this whole deal….WAYYYYYYYY too many new blogs on my reader! How in the world will I ever keep up with them all?! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. Elise

    Yes! Amen to this, Kendra. I found so many of my favorite blogs this way, back before I started my own blog. God bless Bonnie! {And P.S. – I'm humbled to be found in the best under-appreciated blog category.}

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, Iโ€™ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

If youโ€™d like to learn more about what Catholics believe and why, and to be inspired by saints from every era all over the world, youโ€™ve come to the right place. If youโ€™re feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of how to teach your kids about the faith in a way thatโ€™s true, engaging, and lasts a lifetime, we can help!

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