So, you've got a nursing baby. Hey, me too! And sometimes it's nice to go out in public and look cute and also feed the baby, right? You are the Mother of Incarnate God, free from all stain of original sin by a singular grace and privilege granted by the Father. *I*...

All of Them, or: I Have an Announcement to Make
It is with great joy and relief that we announce that we are expecting Tierney baby number ten in September, as I think we can all agree that nine is a very odd number of children to have. I mean come on, Your Highness, get these kids under control. What are they even...
A Birth Story Round Up, and the prayer request line is . . . OPEN
We're a week or two out from baby number eight. So I figured this would be a good time to catch you new folks up on the previous installments of Hey, Check it Out: I Had a Baby . . . -1- Birth Story #1, in which I puke in a bush -2- Birth Story #2, in which I don't...
The Thing About Being Pregnant: Summer of Psalms
When Kristin from the blog Vine of Plenty asked if I'd be interested in participating in her Summer of Psalms project, I knew which psalm I wanted to choose before I could even click reply. It had to be psalm 139. 13 For it was you who formed my inward parts;...
Here We Go Again: a Spring/Summer, Maternity/Postpartum/Nursing Capsule Wardrobe
Well, I don't expect to be able to compete with Betty's capsule wardrobe, obviously. But I said I'd share mine, too. And so I shall. The main concern I hear from readers who are interested in trying a capsule wardrobe, is that they couldn't manage it because of the...
Mothering and Morning Sickness . . . at the same time
Today's mailbag question is near and dear to my barfy little heart . . . illustration from Richard Scarry's Best Mother Goose Ever Question: Kendra, I know you're all pregnancy icky, so you're probably not the person to complain to, but I need some...
Because Sometimes Folks Just Need to Get Punched: 7 Quick Takes XXXVII
--- 1 --- . . . by a Saint Happy St. Nicholas Day! Think Santa is all pipe-smoking and belly-laughs? Think again. Dude totally punched a heretic in the face AT THE COUNCIL OF NICEA! Seriously, you're going to want to read all about it here: When Santa...
Birth Story #7: In Which THAT Is More Like it
The way things were going with pregnancies number five and six, I have to admit to being a bit worried when I turned up pregnant for a seventh time. I had been pretty ill for three months with Anita, then really ill for six months with Frankie, so I had to allow for...
Introducing . . .
Louise Marita Tierney! I wrote up my last post about how <sigh> I hadn't gone into labor yet and set it to post at midnight, then I went to bed and started having contractions at 12:18! Birth story to follow sometime after we get home, but the facts are she was...
Birth Story Week: #6, in which it turns out I totally do NOT know what I’m doing
As baby number seven's due date fast approaches, I figured I ought to do a Birth Story Week of all six births so far. Need to catch up? Here are birth story #1, birth story #2, birth story #3, birth story #4, and birth story #5. And, finally (for...
Birth Story Week: #5, so, um . . . THAT was fast
As baby number seven's due date fast approaches, I figured I ought to do a Birth Story Week of all six births so far.Need to catch up? Here are birth story #1, birth story #2, birth story #3, and birth story #4. Here's birth story number five:...
Birth Story Week: #4, in which me having a baby is the least of our worries
As baby number seven's due date fast approaches, I figured I ought to do a Birth Story Week of all six births so far. Need to catch up? Here are birth story #1, birth story #2, and birth story #3. And now here's birth story number four: Hmmmm . . . where to...
Birth Story Week: #3, in which I give birth to the same baby twice
As baby number seven's due date fast approaches, I figured I ought to do a Birth Story Week of all six births so far. I know I'm driving some of you crazy with my quick and easy births. This one was still quick but at least it was extra interesting . . . Need to catch...
Birth Story Week: #2, in which I don’t quite make it into the labor and delivery room
As baby number seven's due date fast approaches, I figured I ought to do a Birth Story Week of all six births so far. See here for Birth story number one!If you are a male person who reads my blog (hi Dad!) you might want to consider skipping this week. There may...
Birth Story Week: #1, in which I puke in a bush
As baby number seven's due date fast approaches, I figured I ought to do a Birth Story Week of all six births so far.If you are a male person who reads my blog (hi Dad!) you might want to consider skipping this week. There may be rushing fluids and wooziness.Here's...
You Like Me, You Really Like Me!: 7 Quick Takes XXXIV
--- 1 --- So it was kind of a big week, blog-wise. Between guest posting for Haley at Carrots for Michaelmas, impressing Heather from Mama Knows, Honeychild with my (admittedly hilarious) moustache party food tags, and my wildly popular (for me) handmade Jesse Tree...
Pregnancy Survival Secrets from a Grand Multigravida
Doesn't that sound fancy? And once baby number seven is born I get to require that everyone refer to me as a Great Grand Multipara. So, I've got that to look forward to. But in the meanwhile, I have to/get to be pregnant. I've had some very easy pregnancies and some...
Lactivism, aka I’ll Teach YOU How to Feel About Nursing
A couple of weeks ago, in a Sunday post about Kids and Modesty, I made kind of a throwaway mention of the fact that I consider nursing in public without a nursing cover to fall into the category of immodest. Since you guys have such excellent reading comprehension, it...
I Am Mr. Darcy: 7 Quick Takes XVII
New and Improved: now with awesome updates! --- 1 --- I set out to begin my quick takes this week with a zippy little analysis of Season 2 of Sherlock . . . but it really got away from me, quickness-wise. So it got to be it's own post. Check it out, if you're so...
A Imbalance of the Humours: 7 Quick Takes X
--- 1 --- You Can Never Go Down the Drain You can never go down Can never go down Can never go down the drain. You can never go down Can never go down Can never go down the drain. You're bigger than the water. You're bigger than the soap. You're much bigger...
In Which I Discover Doctor Who: 7 Quick Takes IX
--- 1 --- Now that Bobby has had his First Holy Communion, he qualifies to be an Altar Boy at the Old Mission. I so love it there. No classes, no sign-ups -- if you've had your First Communion you show up and suit up and the older boys start showing you the ropes....
The Showdown – Italy vs America: 7 Quick Takes VIII
So here we are back the the good ol' U. S. of A., and after spending every waking hour with my kids for ten days in Italy (and more non-waking hours than I'd prefer with them since we've been home) maybe I'm starting to embrace my boys' philosophy that everything...