Do you know St. Catherine of Siena? She's one of our favorite saints! A doctor of the church, and a marvelous example of "holy feistiness". She did everything with a Holy Spirit-driven intensity! This intensity gave great fuel to her prayer life and inspired a holy...

Catholic All Year at Home (on FORMED!)
I'm so excited to announce Catholic All Year's newest undertaking . . . we made a real no kidding TV show! And it's available exclusively on FORMED. FORMED provides the very best Catholic content to help parishes, families and individuals explore their faith...
The Ultimate Catholic Summer Challenge
It's summertime . . . . and the livin' is liturgical. As I say in The Catholic All Year Compendium, "Maybe we’ve got some extra downtime, and some time with all the kids at home, and we were going to eat dinner anyway, right? I try to find saints’ days to attach to...
The Feast of Corpus Christi & Fostering Belief in the Real Presence
Prefer to watch or listen rather than read? This post is available in video format here. Hey all! Today we’re going to talk about belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist: how to understand it, how to teach it, and how to celebrate its feast day, Corpus...
Making a Rosary with No Special Tools and Almost No Knots (because knots are hard)
The Month of the Holy Rosary is coming up in October. I've written before here on the blog about saying the rosary (and made a video about it), so today I figure you're already convinced about saying it, and maybe you'd like to make one yourself! Below you'll find...
My New Book(s)!, What Happened to the Booklets, and If I Know When Father’s Day Is
Oh, hi. Sorry, you caught me just reading this book in a completely regular, natural manner. 😉 It's my book launch day! The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion is officially available wherever books are sold, but, to be specific, you can get it from me here in...
Being Catholic in the Car: five ways to pray and live liturgically while driving
My whole thing is liturgical living in the HOME, right? Right. But as much as I prefer to be home, daily time in the car is pretty unavoidable. As my family grew, we spent more time in the car on errands and drop-offs and pick-ups. As we spent more time in the car, I...
Free Printables for the Year of Saint Joseph and New Limited Edition Products for the Triduum
A few Liturgical Living Box Subscriptions are now available, as well as limited edition Tenebrae Hearse Candelabras in two styles, new Easter/Paschal Candles, and other items from the Lent and Triduum Boxes. More info at the bottom! The Feast of St Joseph is coming up...
I Learned some Stuff from this Product Launch Week: Books and Boxes and Binders and Babies and Dreams
Thanks for putting up with this week of me trying to sell you stuff.* But hopefully you think it's good stuff and . . . it will mostly be over after this last push today. So, here's what I've got to tell you about . . . The Catholic All Year Liturgical Living Weekly...
Holy Thursday at Home: a Virtual Seven Churches Visitation
The triduum is upon us! Let's talk Holy Thursday. No, wait, for a Holy Thursday overview, see this post The “You Can Still Do This” Guide to All Things Holy Week Here, let's talk about the Seven Churches Visitation. Under normal circumstances, following the Holy...
Homemade Easter Candles or the Coronavirus Wins
Easter candles, you guys. EASTER CANDLES. We must have them. And really, my family can't imagine missing out completely on the stirringly beautiful beginning of the Easter Vigil Mass, with the fire and the candles and the Exsultet. The whole Easter Vigil is great of...
The Catholic Mom Bundle Lent 2019
Lent . . . is coming. Finally. It's super late this year. Almost as late as it can possibly be. The latest since 2000 and the latest until 2030 when Easter will be on April 23 again. In 2038 it will be on April 25th, the latest possible Easter! I might be the only...
Epiphany House Blessing
Happy New Year's Eve! New Year's Day, aka the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is coming up tomorrow, and is a holyday of obligation in many countries, including the US and Canada, so get thee to Mass! The next major feast day after that is Epiphany, one of our...
Hey, I Started a Tiny Liturgical Living Show, plus Reminders for Advent and the Feast of St. Andrew
Hey guys! Advent is JUST around the corner. In fact, today is the feast of St. Andrew, which, for us, kicks off our Advent traditions. (Even though Sunday is the actual beginning of Advent.) The very first thing I recommend in the Catholic All Year Compendium is the...
A Compendium Update, Liturgical Living for June, and Coloring Pages!
This is from the introduction to the (forthcoming) Catholic All Year Compendium, that I wrote for the pitch I submitted to the publisher, back in 2015: "Sometimes all you really need is a little enthusiasm and the willingness to give things a try. The easiest way is...
It’s the Feast of St. Mark, or: Thank You For Participating, Here’s Me Not Listening.
Thank you all so much for your responses to my reader survey! Almost 1500 of you took the time to fill it out. It's been really interesting to see the results, and to read all your kind feedback. Just ONE story of this blog being a part of a conversion or a deepening...
How (and When) we Celebrate Epiphany, and Why This Christmas Card is Definitely Not Too Late
Today is January 6th, which is the traditional date of Epiphany, the day that the three Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem, having followed the star to meet the baby Jesus. But for Western Catholics, we celebrate it tomorrow, on the Sunday after January 1st. Liturgical...
An Easy, No Mess, Kid-Friendly, Not-Crafty-Mom-Friendly, Last Minute Advent Wreath and a Guide to the Upcoming First Week of Advent
Advent starts tomorrow! And that means tonight is Catholic New Year's Eve, so break out the champagne! If, like me, you are not quite ready to, um, get ready, I thought I'd share this quick and easy Advent Wreath that is our go-to every year now. We've had lots...
Do Catholics Need the Elf on the Shelf?
I had every intention of not wading into the Elf on the Shelf debate, because it's really not a matter of faith and morals, and is therefore something about which good Catholics are free to make their own choices, and follow their own consciences, and disagree. But...
Stuff I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You: including calendar explanations and errata, crazy plans, and other fun announcements
First off, I have to say how excited I am that anyone other than me wanted this calendar. I just can't believe how many of you have purchased it and are looking forward to starting off the new Catholic year on December 3rd and observing the feasts and the fasts. And...
Easy Family Activities for the Month of the Poor Souls in November
For Catholics, November is the month we remember the dead. On November 1st, we celebrate all the saints in heaven, who are our hope and help and inspiration. The rest of the month, we focus on the holy souls in purgatory. (They are also called poor souls . . . same...
Liturgical Living for Beginners: An Our Lady of Guadalupe Play Date, with help from me and CCC
This is a sponsored post. See my disclosure policy. I had such fun last spring putting together a St. Patrick's Day play date that I decided to do another one . . . this time for the upcoming feasts of St. Juan Diego on December 9th and Our Lady of Guadalupe on...
Praying for the Dead With Children
November is the Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. If you aren't in the habit of hanging out in cemeteries and praying for the dead with your kids . . . well, you're really missing out. And so are your kids. AND so are the dead. As Christians, we believe that the...
Twofer Costumes for Halloween and All Saints 2015 Edition
It's October! Which means I want to wear sweaters and drink hot chai lattes . . . but it's still 90 degrees in LA. Oh, AND I need to figure out what we're doing for costumes. Since my kids like to dress up for Halloween and our homeschool group also hosts an All...
Everything I Ever Thought About Homeschooling, Schoolish Free Printables . . . and anything YOUR heart desires
The school year is upon us! I figured it might be nice to have all the schooling-type posts in one place, and I made some new schooling-type printables, and now there's a way for you to get a custom printable . . . made just for you. Yay! :: The Homeschool Posts ::...
Our Triduum in Photos
It's still Easter today! Happy Easter! Let's jump in the ol' T.A.R.D.I.S. and take a look back at the Triduum, just for posterity's sake, shall we? And let's, um, go backwards. 'Cause, why not? In case you missed it in all the hubbub yesterday, here are all the Easter...
Happy Easter from the Tierneys!
A very happy and blessed Easter from our family to yours. Here's what our day has looked like so far . . . And here's what we wore Easter Sunday . . . Lulu - eighteen months Dress and sweater: Boden Hat: made by a friend Shoes: Target Frankie - three Shirt: Old Navy...
Ten Quick Tips for Throwing a Great Party as Illustrated by the 2015 Hooley
This is a sponsored post. See my disclosure policy. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Did I mention we throw a St. Patrick's Day party? I DID? Once or twice? Well, this year's Hooley was last weekend, and it was our biggest. party. evah. A very fine time was had by all,...
What Everyone Should Do for the Feast of St. Martin of Tours, with a printable
Is that too strong? Well, it's what WE are going to do anyway: CLEAN OUT THE COAT CLOSET! It's something we can ALL do, no matter our financial circumstances. We can take a look in our coat closets and see if we have anything to spare. Maybe we do, maybe we don't. But...
Over 150 All-Saints Day Costumes for Kids
I was so amazed at the awesomeness of your entries in the Catholic Costume Contest, that I decided to post, not just the winner, not just a handful of favorites, but almost 200 awesome Catholic costumes, made by real parents and kids just like you and yours. It seems...