So, you've got a nursing baby. Hey, me too! And sometimes it's nice to go out in public and look cute and also feed the baby, right? You are the Mother of Incarnate God, free from all stain of original sin by a singular grace and privilege granted by the Father. *I*...

Introducing Barbara Josephine, who Blasted Out but is not an Elephant
When I was expecting Betty, and Jack was a (very chatty) one and a half year old, he used to tell kids at the park, the grocery store check out guy, old ladies at church, etc. that the new baby was going to "blast out" of mommy. When asked if it was a brother or...
Babymoons, Baby Names, Brains, and Cartwheels at Nine Months Pregnant: My Thoughts
It's been a while since I've updated you all on the goings on around here, so here goes . . . BABYMOON The husband and I ran off for a little pre-baby vacay on Santa Catalina Island, to celebrate our 18th anniversary and our 10th baby. The trip was a perfect mix of...
All of Them, or: I Have an Announcement to Make
It is with great joy and relief that we announce that we are expecting Tierney baby number ten in September, as I think we can all agree that nine is a very odd number of children to have. I mean come on, Your Highness, get these kids under control. What are they even...
Please Stay Tuned for the Following Important Announcements . . .
Hey guys! It's been a while, huh? House stuff, book stuff, school stuff, kid stuff . . . it's all been keeping me pretty busy. But it felt like time to share an update with you, the good and patient people of this blog. 1. Ya know how when you're a Catholic mommy...
Pro-Life is Complicated, and How You Can Help
Last month we had the unfortunate anniversary of Roe v Wade. Many cities, including my own Los Angeles, hosted Walks for Life, but our family wasn't there. We weren't there because we were at a funeral, for a baby named Emily Rose Marie. We are fortunate enough to...
Well, THAT Escalated Quickly . . .
Just going to pop in quickly here to introduce you to the newest member of the family . . . Mary Jane Tierney. She was born at 3:08am this morning, July 25th, her due date, the Feast of St. James. 8lbs 3oz, 21 inches long, not much hair to speak of. Looks exactly like...
A Quick Look at My To Do List, and Then Let's Do a Baby Pool, Shall We? With PRIZES.
It's getting towards crunch time on baby number eight here. Just two-ish weeks to go. This is always an odd time for me, because I tend to walk around at 3 or 4 cm for these last few weeks. I'm sure it makes things go more easily when the time comes, but there's...
Toddlers and Younger Siblings: How Could YOU Make Our Baby Happy?
Last time, I answered a different mailbag question about this same topic: babies in a house full of their sibling's toys. That post was about babyproofing (or, more specifically, about NOT babyproofing). Today, I'm going to approach that same topic from a slightly...
Babyproofing the House vs Babyproofing the Baby
I've received a couple of related mailbag questions over the past couple of weeks about how we handle the issue of babies in a house full of their siblings' toys. Today I'll discuss the idea of babyproofing, specifically how I DON'T do it, and in a different post,...
Weaning: my hows, whys, and whens
Sometimes when I get a mailbag question, I can't believe I really haven't ever written on the subject before. This was one of those. I've written about breastfeeding (those posts always spark quite a discussion) and getting babies to sleep (conversation AND, um,...
little kids & BIG CHANGES: how much help does an older sibling need when a new baby comes along?
What do you do when you want to blog, but you ALSO really, really want to take a bath and hit the sack? Why, fish something out of the mailbag of course. It's already written and at least one person in the universe is interested in the answer. Today's question is from...
Maybe Unmedicated Childbirth Isn't For Me?
MAILBAG TIME! Question: How you have accomplished drug-free births? I have about 7 weeks to go and I'm toying with the idea of no epidural. But I'm scared. So far my birth experiences have been: emergency c-section due to late (i.e. during labor) discovery that baby...
How I Changed My Mind About Sleep Training
There are people who have blogs who eventually learn that there are things you're just not allowed to write about on the internet: vaccines, spanking, breastfeeding in public, crying it out, etc. I am not one of those people. And I get a lot of reader questions...
Secrets Revealed, Prayers Answered, Winners Notified
I've got good news, and I've got good news. First, the good news. Remember a few months back, when I hosted an amazing giveaway for a Monastic Immersion Weekend? I had an anonymous sponsor, and asked that you would all pray for her intention, which was very dear to...
Mailbag: Getting Babies and Toddlers to Sleep Successfully, Together (or not)
Mailbag time! Question: I came across one of your mailbag questions and thought I'd ask you for your advice as well. In a month or two, we would like to put our two daughters (2 1/2 and 8 months right now) into one room together. By then, the baby will be sleeping...
Babies and Discipline: When, Where, and How Much?
It's our first day of school! So . . . I'm going to throw up a question from the mailbag, since it's already typed up. Perhaps it would be of interest to some other newish mamas out there. Question:(it was a long one so I'm going to excerpt it here . . . )Dear...
Five Baby Items You Don't Need if You Have a Dollar Store Scarf
Last week, I suggested some baby items I really like. If you bought them for your baby today (which I recommend), brand new (which I don't), it would set you back $627.61. (But free shipping if you've got Amazon prime, so . . . ) Anyway, on the off chance that that...
Baby Stuff Worth The Splurge
I am a baby stuff minimalist. I'm also generally not that concerned about name brand things. If it's cute, I'm usually just as happy with the Target knock-off as the real deal. But I've found a few things that I really think are worth spending some money on, if you...
Starting Baby on Solid Foods for Moms Who Don’t Have Time For That Sort of Thing
With my first baby, I carefully followed the little table in the book they gave me in the hospital that tells you exactly which food to start with, and in which order to introduce other foods. I sat Jack in his highchair and watched as he tongued back out the little...
Apologies, Retractions, Clarifications, and Sweeping Generalizations
Just some quick updates to the great breastfeeding debate of '14. I think the most noteworthy thing about the hundred or so comments it inspired was how friendly and respectful all the disagreers were. I didn't have to delete a single comment. I love that about you...
I Want it All: a Nourished Baby AND Good Manners (also superpowers)
I want all of the awesome things that go along with nursing my baby. I want the convenience. I want the health benefits. I want the bonding. I want the no mess and the no planning and the eye contact. I want the right here and the right now. AND I want to not flash...
Why I Stopped Saying That All I Want is a Healthy Baby
--- 1 --- When we are expecting a baby (which is pretty often) we don't find out the baby's sex before birth. We like to be surprised. But when you don't know whether it's a boy or a girl, people very often ask if you would prefer to have a boy or a girl. I really...
How to Do Stuff One Handed
I just happen to have a super-adorable baby, who, like all my other babies, does not like to be put down. I often wear her in a carrier so I'll have both hands free, but if she's fallen asleep nursing, I usually just carry her around in one arm rather than risk waking...
Awesome Outside-the-Box Gifts for a New Mom
Sure, you could send some cute baby clothes, babies definitely need those. But these are my five favorite outside-the-box new mom gifts. If you know a new mom, I'm willing to bet she'd appreciate one or all of the following . . . 1. A Shower Not a baby...
Reasons I Don’t Like Babywearing, but Do It Anyway
Here's why I don't like babywearing: 1. I can't physically do everything I'd be able to if I had a baby who slept in a swing or bassinet: like sew, or exercise, or bathe, or unload the dishwasher, or not be touching someone. 2. It can get a little achy. 3. They...
The Baby I Didn’t Know I Needed
I really can't say that any of my babies has been "planned." Most, in fact, were conceived while we were actively (albeit inexpertly) attempting NFP. I guess Frankie would be the closest to a "planned" pregnancy. After finally figuring out how to use NFP effectively,...