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A Week Of Feasts and the Wearin’ o’ the Pink

by | Mar 15, 2015 | Lent, Liturgical Living | 24 comments

Happy Laetare Sunday all!

Here’s what we wore. Obviously.

Me: ModCloth dress (I really love their stuff. I have an affiliate link, over on the right sidebar next to the comments, if you want to check them out.) Old Steve Madden shoes.
Lulu: Hand me down smocked dress, it was a gift.
Betty: Target dress (she has this in two colors, I think it’s so cute.)
Frankie & Anita: Gymboree
Printable prayer on the door: Tinyprints

Don’t worry, you guys can totally sit with us.

Even Anita. The sass is high with that one. And she was born with an innate posing quality that just cannot be taught.

Here’s the Tierney Bump aka baby number eight, now twenty one weeks along.

Here are some thoughts from Laetare Sunday last year (in case, you’re like, Lae . . . what?) . . .

Lent is Hard to Do and Other Earth Shattering Insights for Laetare Sunday

when we had pink waffles for breakfast and Betty and Anita and I made a pink cake. It was supposed to be ombre, but it kinda wasn’t. I need to quit trying to make ombre happen, I guess. ;o)
If a pink cake is going to happen this year, I think Betty’s going to have to do it herself, last year Latare Sunday wasn’t the day RIGHT after the Hooley.
Which was lovely, thank you for asking.
This dress is from ModCloth, too!
All the details are forthcoming.
In addition to it being Laetare Sunday, today is the feast of St. Louise de Merrilac, which makes it Lulu’s name day.
Grandad made his celebrated German pancakes for her, but today, we called them crepes. To be French. No, she didn’t get all of those. Yes, she is wearing the same dress in both of these photos. What can I say, it was an Irish party.
For more on namedays, and the awesome red You Are Special Today plate, check out  . . .

Every Kid is Special (three days per year)

Tuesday the 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, we’ll be having a tea party, and listing to crazy Irish folk music, and maybe having a family movie night, and maybe catching a leprechaun. After Jack’s close call here, and Bobby’s two years ago, you never know, this could be the year.
Last year, they THOUGHT they’d caught one for sure. But . . . nope. Fooled again.
Those leprechauns are dead tricky.
On Thursday, we’ll be having our wildly popular, but (fortunately) VERY simple St. Joseph’s Day celebration. If you have a table and can boil water, you can do this. And your children will never forget it.

Pasta un Gobbola Tabola: The Most Fun You Can Have on St. Joseph’s Day

But on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I can promise we’ll be QUITE solemn and penitential.
Oh, except on Friday, we’ll be hosting soup and stations again. Which, while VERY Lenten, is also lots of fun. Here are some shots from last week . . .
Laetare Sunday is the perfect week to add a new Lenten resolution. It’s never too late to give soup and stations a try at your house. You’ll find all the details here . . .

Keeping Lent: A Guide to What We DO for Kids

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!


  1. Mandi

    I love ModCloth too! I'm in a wedding in June and the bride chose ModCloth dresses for the bridesmaids. Such a better option than David's Bridal.

  2. Heather

    I love Modcloth! They have so much vintage looking stuff and they carry big girl sizes!

  3. Kendra

    Yes Mandi and Heather! I love that they have vintage looking stuff that's modest without looking frumpy and that they cater to both boyish and voluptuous type fig'ers.

  4. Sarah

    Love that pink drew (and the green one too!). I gotta get me some Mod-clothes. 😉

  5. Amanda

    Is your capsule wardrobe designed for the liturgical season?

    I'm totally dumping pasta on the table Thursday.

    • Kendra

      No, I cheated and got my Easter dress out of the spring / summer drawer. I wanted to wait for Easter to switch over, but it's been well over eighty the last few days and I'm not set up for that. I might have to switch over early. But it seems out of the spirit of the season to get a new wardrobe (even if only some of it is new) in the middle of Lent. #Catholiccapsulewardrobeproblems

  6. Julie Walsh

    Looks like your Hooley was a blast! In the picture of you holding Lulu during the party, I noticed the tree in the background and thought, "Oh look! They hung things from that tree. How festive! Wait… that… must be an orange tree." I've never seen one!

  7. Anonymous

    I am just in awe with how you celebrate the liturgical year with your family! Maybe one day when we're not in survival mode, we can do some of that at our house. I know you don't know me, but I was thinking of you because our family arrived in southern California from Texas on Friday and we are spending the week at Disneyland. We've been planning this trip for a year and a half and are excited for the week. Sadly 3 of our 5 kids have come down with a stomach bug yesterday and today, so we're praying it passes quickly and that nobody else catches it so we can enjoy the rest of the week!

    • Anonymous

      The 3 sickies were better in 24 hours and so far nobody else has caught it, so we are having a blast! We unintentionally chose a week with 2 great feast days for this trip, so I guess that's our way of celebrating the feasts! My son Joseph gets to pick the restaurant tomorrow for the feast of St. Joseph. He's very excited!

  8. Anonymous

    Awesome as always! You are an inspiration. 🙂

  9. alysialouise

    Random question but I'd love to know….how to you keep from gaining too much weight in your pregnancies? I'm pregnant with my second and as pregnancies & nursing become my "new normal" for probably the next 10 years I really need some balance in this area. It's so easy to go overboard!!!

    • Kendra

      I think part of it is getting to know how your body gains pregnancy weight. I tend to have all-day morning sickness in the beginning, which is *always* made worse by eating, so I don't gain much weight early. Then I get really hungry in my third trimester and gain most of my weight at the end. I usually gain 30-35 pounds, pretty consistently. The couple of pregnancies that I gained more than that were ones where I tried to make myself eat more than I wanted to at the beginning because of recommended weight gain schedules. Then I still gained extra weight at the end. And I felt huge and miserable.

      But I was just discussing this with a friend and she said she feels better in her first trimester if she eats, and then with heartburn in the third trimester doesn't gain as much at the end.

      So, I think it's different for different people. And it can all work out even if you're not tracking on the recommended schedule.

      But, mostly, for me it's the same as it is always, I'm naturally pretty physically active and naturally prefer smaller portion sizes, so I just try to keep that up even when pregnant.

    • Kendra

      I'm fairly certain it's just gibberish anyway, so you can pronounce it any way you please. But *we* say "pasta oon GOB-o-la TAB-o-la."

  10. Staci

    I'm hunting for Betty's dress on Target's site but not finding it. Any chance you could share a link? My daughter would love that! Thank you!

  11. Adrienne

    You may have discussed this before, so forgive me if so, but are you always surprised on the sex of your babies? Also, how and when do you and your husband select names?

  12. October Rose

    You look great, and I love that dress! (I would NEVER be able to wear a non-maternity dress at 21 weeks, haha!!)

  13. Melissa Hunter-Kilmer

    Anita! Oh my goodness, ANITA! That child is hiLARious! The posing! The attitude! And hey, Frankie ain't got no flies on him, neither, but then he does tend to be scowling in pix you post of him. Lulu is so clueless that I just want to kiss her fat little cheeks. You have delightful children!

  14. Amanda

    Anita and her poses are so great! So so great! You all look so nice! All the time! Good job you and the Tierney family! 🙂 And all your feasting is just so inspiring. I love how you celebrate with friends and family. God-willing we'll do the same soon. We do feast here in our little home together, but there have been a handful of times we've feasted with friends. The times with friends was so great. Thank you for always sharing all your celebrations!

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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