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Some Exciting News . . .

by | Feb 17, 2014 | Blogging, My Book | 8 comments

I’m pleased to announce that my little book  and I will be making an appearance at the Behold Conference in Peoria, IL on March 1, 2014.

What will you get if you come to see me? 

Well . . .

I plan to offer copies of the book
for sale, 

a meet and greet with baby Lulu, 
and five cent advice.
You really can’t put a price on that. Oh wait, yes you can. It’s five cents. 
Anyway, there are still spots available. Please consider coming out to meet other great bloggers like Deirdre of Like Mother, Like Daughter, Bonnie of A Knotted Life, and Molly of Molly Makes Do, plus me.
Will I see you there? Please? (You can register here.)


  1. Joanna Glabinski


    I am signed up to go to the Behold Conference as well!This will be my second time, and I will be enjoying the conference as well as helping out!

    It would be an absolute honor to meet you Mrs. Tierney! Your blog has definitely inspired me to become a better woman, and better Catholic! If my nerves do not get the best of me, I will pop over to your table to say hi :-).

    Praying for your safe travels.

    Joanna @ wrappedinengagedbliss.blogspot.com

  2. Jessica

    Snap. I'll be in Peoria at a state oratorical competition that day at the Marriott. Here's hoping my high school junior comes home with a prize!

  3. Ashley Sue

    How exciting! I wish I could make it. I love that cheetah on Lulu!

  4. Jenny Cook

    Sigh…everything is too far away! Austin, Peoria…when will the big guns bloggers realize that Oregon City is where it's at?!
    I hope you have a wonderful time there!

  5. Nanacamille

    I am going to want the author you to sign the books I bought for family and friends.

  6. Christie

    First the Edel gathering, and now this? I chose the wrong time to pack up and leave North America! :c

  7. MamaH

    I won't be at Behold but I DID just order your book through Amazon and I can't wait to check it out! My 7 yr old is making his first confession is just a few weeks, so this is awesome timing!:)

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