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It Happened Again . . .

by | Apr 4, 2014 | Blogging, Link Up, Major Awards | 25 comments

I have once again been honored by a Liebster award, that most flattering of all chain letters.

This time by Tammie of TTE Designs

I’m trying to talk her out of some of her amazing handcrafted jewelry for my upcoming Mother’s Day giveaway, so here goes . . .

Here are her questions:

1. The most beautiful place you’ve ever visited.

I have traveled a lot. My dad was an airline pilot and my mom was a flight attendant, so . . . a LOT a lot.

I don’t even know how I would choose.

But . . . the Grand Canyon is really extraordinary. Bobby asked me, “Mom, who painted that?” and I said, “God.”

2. If you could invite a historical figure to dinner 
who would it be and why?

Jesus, right? It’s got to be Jesus. I would like to have dinner with Jesus.

3. What would you serve them for dinner?

I’ve got a really good port wine and cherry pork chop recipe, and he probably never had pork chops the first time he was here. So, probably that.

4. If you had a superpower what would it be?

Bilocation would be nice. That way I could hold the baby and empty the dishwasher at the same time. Or do homeschool lessons for five different grades all at once.

Jay McIntyre Photography

5. Favorite childhood memory?

Getting to travel all over the world with my parents. 

And the year I got a Cabbage Patch Kid for Christmas.

6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I think I will be pretty much the same, but with even more gray hair. I expect to still be wife-ing and mothering and homeschooling and writing. But without a baby around, I guess. Oh dear, that makes me squeeze this chubby little gal in my lap a little tighter.

7. Favorite movie?

I’m going rogue and answering a different question. The last movie I saw was The Book Thief. I really enjoyed it. I haven’t reviewed it yet on the blog, because I keep thinking I should read the book first. But I thought the movie was really great. It’s on Netflix, but not streaming (boo).

8. Favorite book?

Is not possible. I have too many favorites. Here’s what I’m currently reading (or recently finished) instead: 

For Lent . . .

Introduction to the Devout Life
(recommend very highly, if you haven’t read it, really you should)

For our Little Flowers Book Club . . .
A Little Princess
(a classic, and great for discussing the virtue of endurance)

For the Motherhood and Jane Austen Book Club . . .
Mansfield Park
(my least favorite Jane Austen, but any Jane Austen will do. Haley thinks I should like it more.)

For the blog . . . 
The Last Policeman
by Ben H. Winters (so far, I’m really enjoying this murder mystery set in the last few months before an asteroid hits the earth)

Our Holy Father, the Pope: The Papacy from Saint Peter to the Present
(a great read for kids and families, especially before the big Pope JPII canonization this month)

9. If you couldn’t live in your home country, 
where would you choose to live?

Italy? Australia? Ireland? Luxembourg? Jimistan? (That’s the fictional oil platform micronation we plan to establish if things really go to pot here in ‘merica.)

I think I’d really be happy to live anywhere. I’m generally able to find the good in any situation, and the nice thing about having a big family is that if you move, you bring your community with you. 

I’d want to bring my parents along with us, and my in-laws, and all the aunts and uncles and cousins. And my entire homeschool group. But that’s it.

10. What did you want to be when you grew up 
[and are you doing it]?

A writer [yes]. But I never thought much of being a mother. And I’m doing quite a bit of that too.

11. Three words to describe yourself.

Homemaker. Homeschooler. Catholic.

And now . . . per the rules of the Tammie’s Liebster Award, I get to tag five bloggers with fewer than three thousand followers and ask them eleven new questions of my choosing. 

But since no one is actually in charge of the Liebster Award and everything’s made up and the points don’t matter, I’m tagging ELEVEN bloggers. 

1. Blythe at The Fike Life. You may wish to check out this post: 

2. Micaela at California to Korea and back again. You may wish to check out this post: 

3. Sarah at Two Os Plus More. You may wish to check out this post: 

4. Molly at Molly Makes Do. You may wish to check out this post: 

5. Abbey at Surviving Our Blessings. You may wish to check out this post: 

6. Carolyn at Svellerella. You may wish to check out this post: 

7. Elizabeth at Super Swell Times. You may wish to check out this post: 

8. Kate at Be Merry, Kate. You may wish to check out this post: 

9. Anne at the Bazin Chronicles. You may wish to check out this post: 

10. CupCake Earthquake. You may wish to check out this post: 

We went to mass yesterday. (I even wore a DRESS AND HEELS). I remembered some things, had forgotten others and cried a lot. I felt moved, but more so I felt really lost and found at the same time. I felt like I had more potential than I had in months, I felt peace, I felt calm, I felt still, and I felt the boulders on my shoulders being lifted. 

11. You at Your Blog. See below.


1. Where do you live? And why do you live there?

2. What are you currently watching and/or reading?

3. What kind of Catholic are you: cradle, or convert? (Or considering?)

4. Can you point to one moment or experience that made you a practicing Catholic? (Or want to be?)

5. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

6. Are you a good dancer?

7. Who usually drives, you or your husband?

8. What’s your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?

9. Which is correct? Left or right?

10. Do you have any scars?

11. What’s the most famous thing you’ve ever done?

Didn’t get tagged? Doesn’t matter. Play along and link up your post! Don’t have a blog? That doesn’t matter either! Everything’s made up! Answer in the comments.

Not enough about me? Check out my first (three) Liebster Awards, all in one Liebster-ific post!



  1. Jenny Cook

    Haven't seen "The Book Thief" as a movie yet, mostly because I'm afraid that they can't possibly do justice to the book. The book is so good. It is powerful and I've read/taught it three times now and each time I see new connections and new shades of meaning. I definitely recommend that you read it, definitely. Do they have Death as a narrator of the movie? Death is the narrator of the book itself (and that's not a spoiler, since it is one of the first things we learn in the book)…and I always wondered how they would manage that in movie form, if at all.

    • Kendra

      Yes, Death narrates the movie. But I think that was my least favorite aspect of it. I just really loved the story and the characters and the setting and the actors. It was just really, really well done. The age progression technology is astounding and the little boy in the movie is exactly, exactly, exactly my Gus.

  2. Mandi

    I could not read the book. There are all these "titles" and the format is just weird. I got maybe 10 pages in and decided it was not for me, no sir, never.

  3. Amelia Bentrup

    The year I got a Cabbage Patch kid for Christmas is one of my favorite chidhood memories as well! What is it about Cabbage Patch kids?

  4. Anonymous

    Kendra, I don't know if this will console or terrify you, but since you mentioned your age in your last post I'll tell you: My mom was 46 when her first grandchild was born (she was 22 when she had me, and I was 24.) So the baby drought might not last very long at all! 🙂

    • Kendra

      I think it consoles me. Partial claim to a baby is better than none at all!

  5. Erica Saint

    Kendra, you crack me up! Rules? What rules? Ha! Love it!

    And now I really want to read The Book Thief, A Little Princess, and Our Holy Father, The Pope.

    The Christmas I got my Cabbage Patch is one of my favorite childhood memories, too.

  6. Elizabeth@SuperSwellTimes

    I'd like to thank the academy! All all my fans! And Pope Francis! And probably Jesus, too!

    I'll try to do your questions justice.

  7. Heather

    We live in the hometown of Cabbage Patch Kids! There is a huge "hospital" where they are born – Babyland General – and there is a cabbage patch where they have these big dramatic "births". It is so much fun! They also have every stinkin' kind of Cabbage Patch Kid you can think of. When my nieces were smaller we would go there after church on Sundays quite often. It's free. This is where our local high school holds their prom – at Babyland General. It's on the same road as the only Catholic church in the county. The church is SO beautiful that my niece – the daughter of a Baptist pastor – says that if she didn't go to Helen First Baptist she would go to that church. Anyways, you should google Babyland General! *hugs* Heather

  8. Amy Caroline

    You must read The Book Thief. It took me awhile, the swearing got me a bit, but I got over it, lol. I am such a priss. Anyway, one of the best books I've read in a looooong time.

    Your Christmas card! oh my, your parents were gorgeous! Very 80's too. Love it!

    • Kendra

      Me too on the swearing, but I'll give it a try.

      Aren't they? :0)

  9. Anonymous

    Haha! So fun. I needed a fun thing today. It's just been a week and a day and this tired mama needed some fun! 😉 -Gina

  10. Rosie

    Ugh, my four-year-old is always changing the toilet paper roll from left to right. Probably his worst trait.

  11. Molly

    Woohoo! Also, Lulu just gets cuter! Is she still talking up a storm?

  12. Anna

    The Grand Canyon is so so beautiful. It actually reminded me a lot of how I felt stepping into St. Peter's Basilica. You lose your breath for a bit.

    Thanks for the reminder about The Introduction to the Devout Life. It's been on my book shelf for a long time now, so no excuses.

  13. Erica Saint

    How many pairs of shoes do you own?

    You always have the cutest shoes in your WIWS pictures.

    • Kendra

      I just went and counted. I have 41 pairs of shoes! In my defense, I've collected them over many years. But perhaps I'll have to thin them out a bit next week!

  14. WritingWillow

    Yay! This is my first time linking up and it was so fun! I'm currently "reading" The Book Thief – but listening to the audiobook. I'm with a few other commenters in that the swearing burned my ears a bit but I'm getting past it. I really love the story and listening to Liesel grow up; I'm really looking forward to seeing the movie when it's available to rent.

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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