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Introductions and Greetings, Likes and Dislikes

by | Jul 21, 2014 | Things I Think, vlogs | 20 comments

I made a vlog for the about page. But in case there are some of you who don’t check my about page for updates on a super regular basis, I’m going to put it here, too.

If you’re particular about comprehension, I’d suggest clicking that little cc button on the bottom right to turn on the captions.

For more vlogging fun, check out . . . 

Bonnie: Vlog Review of Something Other Than God



  1. Julie

    Now not only is there a name and a face..but a voice too. I like you even more. And Lulu is about the cutest thing ever! So is Frankie…I love his blue car 🙂 I also enjoy knowing that you live part time in Chicago. We love it here.

  2. Theresa @ OrdinaryLovely

    So happy to know it's not your intention to make me feel bad about my poor party planning skills 😉
    Your Alice in Wonderland cake was Uh-MAZING!!
    (Love the video!)

  3. Amanda

    Putting a voice to a face is so awesome. And also I have a squirmy baby just that age so I relate 🙂

  4. Marquette

    I loved this! How fun! It's always so interesting to put a voice with a face. I never imagine the right voices, it's always surprising to hear what people actually sound like in real life and not what they sound like in my head. And I love your kids going through the background!

    • Anonymous

      Agreed! I'm always, always wrong. So of course I was wrong this time too.

    • Kendra

      You guys really couldn't have been expected to know that I sound like a seven year old girl.

  5. Elise

    Love this, Kendra! I know everyone has said this, but I agree – putting a voice with a face is so interesting and so awesome!

  6. Anna

    You look and sound great Kendra. But I may have enjoyed the kids even more.

  7. Christine

    I'm going to echo what everyone else said about putting a voice to a face. Also – and I hope you aren't offended by this – watching this makes you seem much less intimidating! Just because when you read someone's blog and their great ideas for long enough, sometimes you start to forget that they're just a regular person like you!

  8. Anonymous

    Ahh! I love this so much. You seem like a real person now, and not a robot. And, Lulu is the cutest, squirmiest little thing! And, I love Frankie too. Those kids are so cute!

    I dont know how to describe it, but you totally sound like you're from SoCal.

  9. Leslie

    Had to giggle a little when you said you were going to judge everyone else’s parenting skills. Now I’m off to find out a little bit more about your “likes” and “dislikes”!

  10. Abby S.

    Beatrice loved this so much and watched it about 8 times! She misses "Lulu, Fwankie and Tiewney"! Also, I think Lucy thought you were kidding about the zombie apocalypse!

  11. Patty

    This is great! I love the kids moving around in the background…good to put a voice with a face! 🙂

  12. Amy Caroline

    So fun! i have thought about vlogging, but….well, then how could I edit it to make me look perfect? lol

  13. Rosie

    Okay it took me forever to actually watch this BUT I think the absolute best part is Lulu. Sorry – she steals the show and it's kind of awesome to see that she really IS just THAT SMILEY! Love it 🙂

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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