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In Which there are Seven Free Printable Prayers and so many other things . . .

by | Aug 22, 2014 | 7 Quick Takes, August, Printables | 18 comments

I’ve had some more requests for printable prayers from good folks like Sarah and Charlotte and Robin. And, in honor of the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, and in celebration of the monumental events of the day (more on that below), I decided to take an evening off of organizing school supplies and do another round of printables. For you.

As usual, you are welcome to save and/or download the images, and print them for your own personal use. If you wish to sell them, please contact me. They are formatted as 8×10, but the files should be large enough to be printed all the way up to 20×30. To request a custom printable, visit my Etsy shop here.

If you’re not in the market for free printable prayers, just scroll on down for answers to your burning questions about where my two year old is (shut in the bathroom) and where my twelve year old is (attempting to summit a fourteen thousand foot peak) and where I am (Yes, there is more guest posting. I’m on a bit of a spree).

So, here they are. I’d love to know in the comments which styles you prefer, and feel free to make suggestions for the next batch.

1. THE HAIL MARY in blue (click here to download)
THE HAIL MARY in chalkboard (click here to download)
2. GUARDIAN ANGEL PRAYER version I (click here to download)
3. GUARDIAN ANGEL PRAYER version II blue (click here to download)
THE GUARDIAN ANGEL PRAYER version II light wave (click here to download)
4. PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS (click here to download)
5. ANIMA CHRISTI (click here to download)
6. OUR FATHER in clouds (click here to download)
OUR FATHER bokeh lights (click here to download)
7. And a quote: I PRAY BECAUSE . . . (click here to download)

For more Printable Prayers, see this post, and this post or this Pinterest board.

And now, the rest of the rest . . . 

I mentioned in my last post that potty training Frankie was not going all that well. In the comments, Amanda (of the best post ever written about Frozen, which I have now linked to three times) indicated that when her son couldn’t be bothered to do his business on the potty, she just shut him in the bathroom at his usual time and left him in there until he’d done it.

It sounds crazy, right? Well, *I* figured — I had already tried reasonable, and that hadn’t worked. So . . . crazy it was. 

After Frankie’s nap, I told him how this was all going down. I set him up on the little potty, with a mini-muffin tin and a bowl of multicolor pony beads to sort (hat tip to Cari for that idea) and, he happily hung out in there for forty-five minutes at the end of which . . . we had SUCCESS!

And ice cream was enjoyed by all.

So that’s the glamorous life being enjoyed around here. Meanwhile, the husband, the father, and the eldest son are attempting to climb Mt. Whitney, the highest summit in the contiguous United States at 14,505 feet.

They set out on Wednesday night, to have plenty of time to acclimatize before they attempt to summit on Friday. Please say a quick prayer for their safe and successful return! 

Happy Feast of the Queenship of Mary!

Check out take two from this post from last year to see the Queenship of Mary Ice Cream Sundaes we usually make for this feast. My kids love making them and best of all, there’s almost no prep work by mom!

And, last but not least, I’m continuing the “least effective blogging break in all the land” by showing up on someone else’s blog. Again. This time I’m being interviewed by Iris over at The Starving Inspired (formerly Country Girl’s Daybook). If you don’t click over, you won’t get to see the picture of the giant inflatable alligator costume I wore for three summers at the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Could you really live with yourself?

Linking up with Jen for seven quick takes, because that was surely seven of something.


  1. Amelia Bentrup

    Thanks for the reminder about the Queenship of Mary. I'm so bad at remembering Liturgical feasts…I've started counting on your blog to remind me of all of them.

    Today in honor of the Queenship of Mary we're going to do a "fast novena" (the Memorare prayer 9 times) for our intentions. And maybe ice cream too!

  2. Theresa Breslin

    I have your grace before meals printable hanging in my dining room. I thought you might enjoy knowing I think of you every time I sit down for a meal! 😉

  3. Dianna

    Potty training #2 was so hard for my oldest and me that I eventually rewarded him for going in his diaper in his bathroom. Baby steps. Best of luck! Potty training is my least favorite part of motherhood (so far!).

  4. Amanda

    I played it similarly with my last one – at her regular time, I set her on the potty and said "just stay until you're finished." It did help.

  5. Teresa

    Love, love, love the printables idea. As I first started reading this blog post I thought "what in the world would do you with these prints?". Then, as I was scrolling down through them I realized they'd look GREAT as pictures in my daughter's room. Or even hanging in my living room. I love the idea of having a few up around the house as reminders of God's love for us. Now on the hunt for the Ten Commandments!

  6. Teresa

    Ack! No Ten Commandments! I demand a Ten Commandments! 🙂 Can't wait for your next set of printables! This is such a great idea.

    • Kendra

      That's a good one. It's going on the list. 🙂

  7. Charlotte (WaltzingM)

    Thank you, Miss Kendra! I was scrolling so fast to get to the quote that I just knew you'd done after I saw my name at the top that I totally missed the Vocations prayer the first time through. They are both just wonderful. I love that you are sharing your talent for doing these so freely. Will offer a prayer for your climbers.

    • Kendra

      You're welcome! Let me know if you want them tweaked any, or if you had a different style in mind. I don't mind giving them another go next time.

  8. Мaria

    Hi! (trying this comment again) — thanks for the prayers, they're great!

    Re: feedback, I like the color and background design of the first (Hail Mary), although I like the variation in the font of the second a little more. Our family prays the first Angel of God prayer, and the design's pretty on that one as well. The colors and design of the second are even better, we might just have to learn that one too :] And the vocation one is super sweet all around, that's my favorite, although I hadn't known the prayer before.. guess we'll learn that one too! :]

    BTW, for other feedback, we've printed off the morning offering and hung it around the house (framed by the ever-classy thick blue painter's tape! ;D ) and pray it each morning together.. And our oldest (nine-year old) likes your St Michael's one as well.. he considers that his own personal prayer, as he prays it for our family at the end of night prayers.

    On a different note, but one I thought of as looking through your prayers and comments on them, I saw a really good guide to praying with kids put out by Meg from "Held by His Pierced Hands" (another blog – if you don't know her, she travels the country speaking and such, living out of her car — she's chosen this as her vocation, though I don't think she's officially entered any convents or anything.. so I'm not sure her title, but that's what she does.. she's got some great posts) Anyway, annnnyyywayyyy, she talks about the ACTS (adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, supplication) model of conversing with God and how you might adapt and teach it to kids. I thought it was a good post, decided to add it here in case you were unaware or in case anyone might benefit from reading it.

    (I just realized this looks like one of those "hi! super blog! great topic! subscribe to mine [link]!" spam things, but it's not, I promise, I'm a real person, she's got a real blog and doesn't even know I'm posting the link, and it's actually sort of relevant to your post!)

    Okay, ending this novel of a comment..

    Thanks again for the files!
    Maria :]

  9. Emily

    We have a similar potty technique with my 3-year-old. She's really good about peeing now, but so-so when it comes to number two. Sometimes she'll go with no problem, but other times she'll run back and forth to the potty, crying because she has to poop, but unwilling or unable to relax enough to let it out once she's sitting there. But if we set her up on her little potty chair in front of a Daniel Tiger episode, she'll stop thinking about it, and thus stop being so stressed about it, and just go.

    Also (so this comment will be about something other than poop), I love your printable prayers… I'm starting to rotate them through my kitchen.

  10. Elise

    What great printable prayers. I am partial to the style of the very first "Hail Mary" – it's beautiful. I also love the Queenship of Mary graphic that you designed.
    Hooray for Frankie!
    Prayers for your brave explorers!

  11. Michelle

    LOVE the chalkboard HM. In a house filled with boys that style will be appreciated and a great addition to the office/school area. Thank you!

  12. Amanda

    These are beautiful! I am going back to teaching at our local Catholic high school and would love to use some of your images on the Pinterest board in my classroom. Would that be permissible?

    • Kendra

      Absolutely! You can do anything you like with them, as long as you're not charging for it. And thanks!

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

If you’d like to learn more about what Catholics believe and why, and to be inspired by saints from every era all over the world, you’ve come to the right place. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the prospect of how to teach your kids about the faith in a way that’s true, engaging, and lasts a lifetime, we can help!

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