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Greetings From the Hospital

by | Nov 21, 2019 | Advent | 33 comments

Very long story short, two year old George has been hospitalized with bacterial meningitis since November 7th. We started at Urgent Care, were sent to the ER, admitted to Intensive Care, and then to a regular hospital room. He was a really, really sick little guy. After two weeks, he has recovered from the infection, but is still physically weak, and can’t sit or stand on his own. Today we were transferred to another hospital that has inpatient pediatric physical therapy. We expect to be here 1-3 weeks.

So here we go, beginning our third week and second location of George’s hospitalization. I’m grateful for so much that’s happened over these days, and especially for all the people who have supported us with prayers and our other needs, practical and medical. 

As if having a two year old hospitalized with meningitis wasn’t exciting enough, while George has been sick we also lost our entire flock of thirteen chickens to coyotes, had car trouble, our only house phone quit working so we couldn’t call home, all of our first floor toilets backed up and spewed blue plaster all over the floors during our long-scheduled pool re-plastering, and our kid thought he had broken his arm and got an X-ray (but it turned out he just had a case of his friend Charlie having a cast).

There has been logistical craziness, and a decided lack of Dr. Pepper (so many doctors, none of them Pepper), but we’ve had beautiful moments, and have found help and work arounds for almost everything, from homeschooling, to getting to the school play, to celebrating a family birthday, nameday, and baptism day all in the hospital courtyard. But, of course, none of it is *exactly* how I would want it.


It’s been a real lesson in the virtues of humility and acceptance and detachment. The humility to request and accept help. The acceptance of my life as it is at this moment. Detachment from even good things. I had to laugh at myself and my Advent-of-waiting-loving-heart when we walked through the new hospital entryway today and it is a full-blown, amusement park-level Christmas wonderland in here on November 21st. 😦🤷‍♀️😆 

I get to admit to myself that the internet keeps spinning even without me having time to write blog posts about my five favorite nursing dresses, and our St. Nicholas book stack (and these St. Nicholas chocolate coins!), and our new Advent family traditions. 

Those will have to get written up some other time, along with a recap of how this all went down with George. And maybe I’ll come up with some hospital living tips. But probably not. I’m not feeling very expert at this.

Check out the new Advent and Christmas count up calendar, and a printable DIY straw for Baby Jesus set.

I can’t thank you all enough for your prayers for our family!


  1. Katie

    Wow! I’ve been following all things “George” from the moment he got sick and have been praying and offering up ever since. But…had no idea about All The Other Craziness going on! The chickens…NOOOO! The car…UGH. The toilets….ARGH. As you like to say, “You’ve GOT to be kidding me!” God Bless you all for hanging in there and the prayers continue on!

    • Kendra

      Thank you! It’s been a weird fortnight, for sure! Here’s to things settling down a bit sometime soon.

        • Kendra

          Hah! I love that saying! And it’s quite applicable in this case. 🙂

    • Anne

      It is evident that the Lord has been with you through all of the many, many things that have happened since George got sick. His grace is abundant and even though your pool was being resurfaced, His pool was right there and you all have been swimming in the grace. Isn’t it amazing that He is so generous that He even gives us the grace to accept His grace. I have been praying for George and all of you. Mama Mary and her rosary are a powerhouse along with being such a comfort. Her mantle is over you and she even brought Jesus along with His. Grace and abundant blessing be upon each of you.

  2. Anonymous

    Poor little guy! Was he vaccinated for Hib?

    • Kendra

      He was, but he got Hia, which the vaccine doesn’t protect against. 🙁

  3. Mel

    Been following along on Instagram and praying a lot. God bless and keep all of you.

  4. Amanda

    Oh my! That is a bit much. Still keeping the Tierney’s in our prayers. And sometimes I get a case of my friend has a cast. But mine is usually called my friend has a cute pair of shoes or my friend just had the most delicious looking cookie. Hope you all get settled at the new hospital very soon. Pray you are there only as long as is absolutely necessary for George’s rehab.

    • Kendra

      Hah, yes! It happens to the best of us. 😀

  5. Jasmin Fisher

    I’ll keep praying for George. I was hoping you would include Anita’s video of the Stevenson poem here, it was excellent!

    • Kendra

      It was good, wasn’t it!? 🙂 Maybe I’ll get it into the next one.

  6. Pastor Liz M

    You have been in my daily, at times hourly prayers for Little George. My grandson in the same age, so I was extra vigilant in my prayers for your remarkable son. Our Women of God prayer group has also included George in prayers. I am relieved he is improving. God is so so good!
    Your Sister in Christ
    -Pastor Liz.

    • Kendra

      Thank you so much for your prayers!

  7. Pamela

    That is an incredible load to bear, and I am encouraged by your witness. But I’m really interested in how the pool plaster comes out of the toilets

    • Kendra

      Hah! Fair question. I don’t 100% understand, but apparently it’s not unusual for construction guys to dump extra plaster down the toilet because otherwise it hardens in whatever you’re trying to throw it away in. And we have a garage bathroom, so it should have been fine, but our house was built in 1920 and the plumbing is old and everything got backed up into the house. But the pool company sent a rooter company to fix it for us!

      • Pamela

        Workmen in my house lately 4 out of 5 days a week… your fortitude helps me…. I might freak out about the toilets though

        • Kendra

          Yeah. My mom was on duty herself that evening. She was pretty confused.

          • Katie

            Ok, that’s the best response I’ve heard, “She was pretty confused.” Yep…pool plaster coming out of toilets?? I’ll bet she was confused!

  8. Amanda

    Oh man that’s a lot of home stuff while you’ve got hospital stuff! ONE CRISIS AT A TIME PLEASE. You’re still in my prayers!

  9. Katherine Lauer

    Your peace and acceptance is a witness to me, thank you.

  10. Marion

    Prayers for George to have a full recovery. Praying that soon he will be up and walking and running too. Did not know that he was ill.

  11. Jennifer Sariego

    My family has been offering prayers, rosaries, Masses, etc. for George’s healing, and for your strength, guidance, and courage. Praise Jesus the bacteria is gone! And I’m a big fan of in-patient rehab, so I know you’re in good hands.
    We haven’t offered support due to sickness of one type or another over the last couple of weeks, but plan to offer support soon as soon as all here are well.
    Love from the Sariegos!

    • Kendra

      Thank you, Jennifer. We are so grateful. 🙂

  12. Mark Taylor

    Rest assured that George is in my prayers. I hope he gets well soon.

  13. Kris Levy

    You all have been in my prayers. You are an amazing witness to me of patience and grace. I hope that soon you will be able to take your sweet boy home and that peace will reign in your life ~ especially as we begin to enter into Advent! May God Bless you and your beautiful family!

  14. Donna Sayles

    My little GK was born, if I remember correctly, days apart from George. So practically every time I’ve looked at my little guy through all this, my heart has gone out to you and I’ve said a little prayer. Thank God he’s on the mend!

  15. Kathleen

    I had that when I was two. As a mother, I can’t even comprehend it. I will ask my mom (who has passed the on) to pray for you. Prayers for your George and your whole family.

  16. Melisa


    It’s so tough to have a little one in the hospital. We just had a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes for our 7 yr. old daughter on Thanksgiving. This will be the 3rd of our 8 children who now has type 1. My prayers are with you. It’s so hard to see our little ones carry these big crosses. God bless and keep you

    • Kendra

      Wow. That’s a lot to bear. Thanks so much for your prayers!

  17. Rebecca

    My sister in law just told me about your blog (she’s heard you speak several times!) We were there 2 years ago with our 4 year old. It was such a long hospital stay…I was able to stay with her the entire time because of incredible family support taking care of the rest of our kids! And my husband got to calve by himself. To survive the stay…we used books, games (like tenzi), a simply fit board And lots of prayer! I was pregnant with baby #5 and being that stationary was really difficult for me using the fit board was great, I wish I had known about Soulcore back then! I got into Fr Ripperger videos and conversion stories like Zachary King. At the hospital I always felt so surrounded by prayer and the presence of Christ in the Eucharist (it was a Catholic hospital). Since I’m allergic to gluten, a dear priest friend would bring me communion occasionally. We do not live near a hospital so I didn’t see my husband often. It was a hard time but such an incredibly blest time. I pray you feel surrounded with Gods Love and protectection!

    • Kendra

      Thanks so much! Great ideas.

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