Question: How do you stop the fighting between your kids? What do you do with them? I've tried many things like separation, spanking (which I hate but it sure works on my older one!), toys taken away, stickers toward new toy for good behavior, etc. but I get the...

Mothering and Making, how to do both (and a handMADE giveaway)
Motherhood is a full time job. But there's never much to actually SHOW for all my work at the end of the day. The things I cleaned have been messed again. The food I prepared has been eaten. The laundry I washed has been worn. And, as much as my full time job is...
A Home With Truth and Beauty (and another giveaway)
In my post about how we do and do not shelter our kids, I mentioned that we choose not to shield our kids entirely from pop culture influences. As with most things, we try to find a middle ground. We don't have cable, but we do have Netflix. They mostly don't listen...
Mailbag: Please Stop the Screaming!
I got this mailbag question a week or so ago, and responded to it. Since then, my Cryin' Babies Go To Bed post was shared on a parenting forum, to GREAT misunderstanding, confusion, concern, and general unpleasantness. Sometimes I kind of forget that my blog is...
Sheltering Kids: How We Do It, and How We Don’t
It often seems like we, as parents in a modern world, have two choices. We can . . . a. shelter our children from the world, safeguarding their innocence, and protecting them from knowledge and experiences that might be confusing or damaging to them or . . . b. expose...
A Book You Should Know: An Interview and Giveaway with Stefan Salinas of Catholic Churches Big and Small
I've got a birthday coming up this month, so over the next couple of weeks, I'm pleased to be able to offer you, my dear readers, some hobbit-style birthday presents in honor of the occasion. First up: a book and a fine art print! I am really excited today to...
Potty Training in Three Days, Or Bust
There are many ways to potty train. There are many sides to choose: early vs. late, fast vs. slow, potty chair vs. toilet. Some families use charts, or treats, or threats, or bribery. There's camp undies, camp pull-ups, and camp nothing at all. Whatever gets the job...
Mailbag: Getting Babies and Toddlers to Sleep Successfully, Together (or not)
Mailbag time! Question: I came across one of your mailbag questions and thought I'd ask you for your advice as well. In a month or two, we would like to put our two daughters (2 1/2 and 8 months right now) into one room together. By then, the baby will be sleeping...
Moms, You Don’t HAVE to Keep That. 50 items to trash or give away guilt-free.
Before school started up this week, I did a major tidy up of the playroom and the desks in the kids' rooms. We do our twice yearly clean outs during advent and lent, in which we select things we don't love or use all that often to donate. That's not what this was....
Peace Be With You, Dinosaur: Age Appropriate Goals for Mass Behavior
I've written about kids in Mass. A lot. My thoughts are well known on whether churches should have cry rooms (against it) or breastfeeding (for it). But when Haley asked me to be a part of a blog carnival about kids in Mass, I just KNEW that if I really thought about...
In Which I Reclaim the Word "Naughty," Because I Need It
They have taken the word "naughty." They have taken it and made it about ridiculous Halloween costumes. It's gone so far that it feels off somehow for upstanding citizens to even say the word. It did for me, anyway. It seems like "bad" is the word most commonly...
Before I Had a Seven Year Old
New motherhood is a beautiful thing. There's nothing quite so glorious as a sweet squishy brand new little person, full of possibilities. Everything is new and wondrous and you are experiencing it all for the very first time. New motherhood is a terrible thing....
Mailbag: What Is Up With Old Testament God?
I've got a couple more mailbag questions I want to share with you guys this week. The first is one I really struggled with myself. Question: I was raised Catholic, but apparently, there is a lot about our faith I was never taught. Now that I'm raising children, I am...
What’s All This, Now, About “Guardians of the Galaxy”?
A couple of months back the husband and I went to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier. (meh.) Before the movie we saw a trailer for a crazy-looking comic-book-based movie featuring what appeared to be an Ent, a sexy Wicked Witch of the West, that guy from Parks...
My Top Ten Books for Teaching Kids
Continuing my mailbag week, another thing I get asked about sometimes is: Books. I didn't want to say "Homeschooling Books" specifically, because even though WE use them for homeschooling, I think any or all of these books could be used by all types of families,...
Books to Love Whether or Not You Have a Big Family (but Especially ifYou Do)
One of the great things about a good novel is how it allows you to transport yourself into a place or time or situation completely unlike your own and see what that's like for a while. Great picture books can do the same thing, and help my kids delve into new and...
The Littlest Apostolate, or: Why I Let My Kid Pick Up Trash
I let my kid pick up trash. Other people's trash. In public places. It's our own weird little apostolate. I didn't always, of course. I was a first time mom once, too, trailing after my kid at the park, saying, "No, no, honey. Don't touch that. That's yucky." But I've...
Dear Newlywed, You’re Probably Worried About the Wrong Thing
Dear Newlywed, Congratulations! You're embarking on an exciting new chapter of your life. You've got hopes and dreams and plans. Plans, plans, plans. You've got the next few years mapped right out. You're going to finish school and you're going to pay off school and...
On Marrying Young: How to Marry a Man You Just Met
Just to continue my inexplicable trend of nonstop posting about a movie I say I don't particularly care for . . . here's a post I originally wrote for my friend Mandi's blog. But she's taking early retirement, so I'm moving it over here, just so it's not lost forever....
So, Your Toddler is Terrible in Mass . . .
I shared this image on the Catholic All Year Facebook page over the weekend: I love this quote from Pope Benedict XVI. It comes from a question and answer session he had in St. Peter's Square in 2005 with some children who had just had their First Communion. Some...
A Homeschooling How We Roll
UPDATE 2024: This post was originally shared on Micaela's blog California to Korea, as a part of her How I Homeschool series. She has since started a new blog on a new website, and when we asked if we could share Kendra's old post here she generously dug through her...
Starting Baby on Solid Foods for Moms Who Don’t Have Time For That Sort of Thing
With my first baby, I carefully followed the little table in the book they gave me in the hospital that tells you exactly which food to start with, and in which order to introduce other foods. I sat Jack in his highchair and watched as he tongued back out the little...
Movies You Should See Even if You're NOT Stuck on a Plane for Fourteen Hours
Last month, we went to France (you can find posts about the trip here). I had grand plans about all the things I was going to accomplish on the flight. Reading, writing, embroidering, catching up on sleep, etc. I did a tiny bit of the first, and some of the last, but...
There’s Not a Rule Book for This Job
I'm going to let you in on a little secret. A secret known only to everyone who knows me in real life and all the people who like Catholic All Year on Facebook but no one else. Sometimes I put the Bumbo on the table. Okay, maybe it would be more shocking coming from...
#6: And Last, but Not Least, There’s Paris
Our last stop was Paris. After our flight to France was delayed by a day, Air Canada offered to slide our return date one day as well. Since we were staying in so many different cities and hotels, there really wasn't a way to shift the whole trip. So, we decided to...
#3: in Which We Go to Lisieux, Not THE Zoo, Much to Frankie’s Disappointment
But first . . . Chartres! If you like Gothic, get thee to Chartres. It's a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture. The present cathedral was begun in 1194 and dedicated in 1260, sixty-six years! But if you saw it, you'd understand. Every inch of it is carved. It's...
#2: In Which Gus Receives his First Communion and We All Receive a Valid but Illicit Blessing From a “Bishop”
If you read Part 1, you'll know we arrived in Lourdes one day late. So, instead of the two days I had planned for, we had one full day in Lourdes in which to Do All the Things! And we did. Really, we did. We met up with my parents, who had already been in Lourdes...
Encouraging Independence in Children: How We Roll
My Day in the Life post inspired a lot of comments, and a lot of questions. So, I'm starting an occasional series called How We Roll to answer them. I would say that my children are very independent, compared with the general population of two to...
Little Kids and Death: How Taking My Kids to a Traditional Funeral Didn’t Freak Them Out
On Thursday, the husband's Aunt Maureen passed away after a battle with lung cancer. On Sunday afternoon we were all in Chicago at the wake. A real, no kidding, Chicago Irish wake. The whole family and close friends, kids included, spent the afternoon and...
How We Stopped Throwing Away Food
via Pope Francis' comments at a weekly audience last summer really hit home for me: “This culture of waste has made us insensitive even to the waste and disposal of food, which is even more despicable when all over the world, unfortunately, many individuals and...