a grandfather clock built by . . . my grandfather (is your mind blown?) Okay, you asked for it. Here it is. You have no one to blame but yourselves. My days start at about 11 pm, since that's when I can usually put Lulu down for an hour or two and attempt to...

Just the Book I Needed
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how we were able to start celebrating the liturgical year in our home only by taking baby steps. And I mentioned how overwhelmed I had felt reading the first book I found about the celebrating the liturgical year in the home....
Blog in a Blink
Monica from Equipping Catholic Families was one of the first friends I made in the blog world. We've got lots in common, including Catholic faith, general craftiness (but she's got me beat), and youngest sons sent by God to ensure our humility! If you were around for...
In Which I Discover Doctor Who: 7 Quick Takes IX
--- 1 --- Now that Bobby has had his First Holy Communion, he qualifies to be an Altar Boy at the Old Mission. I so love it there. No classes, no sign-ups -- if you've had your First Communion you show up and suit up and the older boys start showing you the ropes....