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Answer Me This: Sleeping, Circuses, and Summer

by | Aug 3, 2014 | Answer Me This | 8 comments

G’day, strangers! And a very warm welcome to Answer Me This . . . the internet’s favorite virtual cocktail party* in which I ask six totally random questions and we all answer them and get to know each other a little better.

Isn’t that nice?

*this statement may not be true.

So, here goes this week’s edition:

1. When driving, are you more likely to listen to the radio, to CDs or an iPod, or nothing at all?

I really like listening to things in the car. Anything, really. Audio books, talk radio, classical music, pop music, show tunes, anything. The husband, on the other hand, is perfectly happy to just sit there not listening to anything at all. I handle it slightly better than Elaine.

My inclination is to flip on the noise the moment the kids and I get in the car, but I’ve made a point of waiting, for at least a few minutes. Somehow, a quiet car often feels like a good place to ask questions. Those few minutes of quiet have often turned out to be an opportunity for an important discussion. Or an unimportant discussion. But, still, things were discussed.
I’m awfully busy at home, so I want my kids to have a place where we can talk.
But, THEN we’ll listen to something. Anything.

2. Do you prefer window or aisle?

I like the aisle if I have a baby with me, because I always end up getting up to change/walk the baby. But, if I happened to be traveling sans-lap child, I would prefer the window, not to look out, but just to lean against so I could take a nap.

Yeah, sorry. I’m just not that interested in clouds.

3. Do you fall asleep on your side, back, or stomach? What position are you in when you wake up?

Lulu is still bunking with us, so I fall asleep on my side nursing her. Usually when I wake up we are both on our backs. Often, one of us <cough, her> is punching Daddy.

4. Do you have a favorite quote or inspirational saying?

I enjoy all the inspirational quotes. Bring ’em on.

My favorites right now are from St. Catherine of Siena:

and St. Joan of Arc:

5. When is the last time you attended a zoo, circus, carnival, county fair, or parade?

We just went to the circus last weekend! Papa took us to Navy Pier to see Cirque Shanghai.

It was great. There was something for everyone. But Lulu does not want to run away and join the circus.

6. What’s the best thing about summer?

I think my favorite thing about it is just the change in our routine. We are very structured during the school year. But much less so in the summer. The kids can pursue their interests and I can pursue mine a bit more, outside the responsibilities of our school days.

We get to spend time with family and have adventures and outings, and recharge for another school year.

Which is FAST approaching!

Here are next week’s questions:

1. What do you still want to do this summer?

2. What’s your favorite kind of pie?

3. How much sleep do you need each day? How much do you get?

4. Do you prefer to swim in a pool, lake, river, or ocean?

5. Do you know any poems by heart?

6. Do you use the public library?

Next week’s installment will go live at 10pm Pacific Saturday night, and will be open until 10pm Wednesday night.

So, please, answer this week’s questions for yourself in the comments. If you have a blog, answer the questions there, link back to this post, and link your blog post up below. For bonus points, you can even tag a couple other bloggers so THEY can play along too! So fun.

But always remember, in Answer Me This . . . there are no rules, and the points don’t matter.


  1. Lisa Healy

    That photo of the kids on the boat is SUCH a cute shot! Thanks for hosting the party, Kendra!

  2. Catie

    The circus makes me nervous. I do not want to see a man fall to his death. I think that must be what is upsetting Lulu.

    • Kendra

      Yeah. The guy running around on the outside of the big double hoop thing totally did the arm swinging about to plummet thing. I fell for it, but the husband bets he does it every time!

  3. waiting

    So excited to link up – and the quote/photo from Saint Catherine of Siena is my favorite!

  4. Anonymous

    I just love Lulu in the life jacket on the boat! Perfect! She is a ham.

  5. Abby S.

    Lulu is just too cute.

    1. If I'm by myself in the car, it's the radio. But since that hardly ever happens, it's mostly ipod or CDs from the library for the kids. We listen to many, many books in the car, which is really like. I have less time to read chapter books these days, and there are tons of books that all of my kids really enjoy.
    2. Window.
    3. I'm a side-sleeper all night long, pregnant or not.
    4. I don't know if it's my favorite, but I love the St. Francis de Sales quote about never being in a hurry and doing everything with a calm spirit. I've got to work on that.
    5. Zoo was last spring; circus was two summers ago (it's become quite a production since we were kids!); parish carnival was last fall; and the best of them all! The county fair is coming up in a few weeks. Elephant ears and 100 degree weather, I here I come!
    6. Summer for me means a break from our school routine. I love the chance to do all the things I don't necessarily have time for during the school year. Or some of them, at least.

    Happy Summer!

  6. Lauren @ Breaking the Mold

    You make an excellent point about talking in the car. For some reason, I always found it easier to have tough conversations with my mom when we were riding in a vehicle. Maybe it's the lack of eye contact…who knows. Since I'm one of those people that can't function without music in the car, I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to allow for conversation when I have children.

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