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Another Award and Some Things About Me and My Blog

by | Jun 3, 2013 | A Few of My Favorite Things, Things I Think | 9 comments

Thanks to Stephanie at I Found Him Whom My Soul Loves, who nominated me for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award, you get to learn seven MORE things about me.  If you also saw this post, then you now know 40 whole things about me.

My husband asked me to marry him 10 weeks after we met.  And there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that he was the one.  None of our parents was particularly troubled about it either, which I think is probably the most amazing part.
one of our first dates was to the Marine Corps Ball
We like old fashioned names.
My two daughters are named after my two grandmothers . . .
my dad’s mom Betty (in the striped dress)
and my mom’s mom Anita
My son Bobby is named for BOTH of my grandfathers and one
of the husband’s, all of whom were named Robert.
We also like pope names.  My eldest son, whom we call Jack, is named John Paul, and my second son Bobby’s middle name is Benedict.  But my youngest, Francis, was so named before our new pope selected his name!
we also have an Augustine
I’m currently putting together our homeschool group’s yearbook.
I like this photo best
Every summer since we moved back to California from Chicago, I have gone back to Chicago to stay with my in-laws . . . with all the kids . . . for the whole summer.
Yes, my in-laws are that awesome.
The husband will fly out with us and stay for a week, then make a couple more short visits while we’re there.
We miss him terribly, but I really like being out there for such a big chunk of time so that my kids can have a close relationship with both sets of grandparents.  (My parents are driving distance, so the kids see them for a weekend at least once a month.)
Gramma and Papa take the kids to museums and parks and outings that we can’t always get to during the school year.  It’s also just a really fun place to spend the summer.  The kids can walk to the pool and the neighborhood park.  They can do swim team and day camp and be busy most of the day without me ever having to get in the car.  They love it, and it’s pretty great for me too, obviously.
Because I absolutely refuse to succumb to the mom-as-chauffer, little-kids-spend-half-their-lives-in-the-car thing.
As I mentioned in my previous stuff-about-me post, I am attempting fiction writing as well as blog writing.
So far, I am finding it extraordinarily frustrating and humbling.  But, I’m not quite ready to give it up.  So, I’m going to spend the summer in Chicago working on writing a YA novel.
Which means I’m going to back off of the blog just a bit.  Rather than posting four times per week, as I have been doing, I’m going to post three times per week.  And I’m going to throw in some summer re-runs from the early days of the blog when it was mostly just my parents reading it.  (Hi Mom!)
I figure if I can get a novel done I won’t need to have a mid-life crisis at all, since I’ve already run a marathon and I’ve had a (bunch of) baby(ies).  I really can’t think of anything else I might suddenly begin to panic over not having accomplished.  I can’t knit yet, but old lady seems like a great time to learn that.
So thanks again to Stephanie for thinking of me!
The rules of the award are as follows:
  1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Post the award image to your page.
  3. Share 7 facts about yourself – fun things, favorite things, humorous things, or things that inspire you.


  1. Colleen

    Wow, a book in the works and you've already run a marathon – you are like living out my dreams! Your in-laws sound awesome, and that Pope picture is pretty much the best thing I ever saw. Poor Gus.

  2. Susan H.

    High five on the marathon!! I have to be honest, when I finished my first one in April, my first thought was, "That was awesome, but doesn't stack up to having babies." What wonderful pictures of your family…..and what a beautiful gift you give your children and grandchildren each summer by connecting them during the summer. P.S. Thumbs up on the pope/saint/traditional names (we're on that track too!).

  3. Amelia Bentrup

    I love that yearbook picture!! Too funny!

    That pope picture rocks….Gus is pretty important too…you should have put a big halo around his head!

  4. Mandi

    I love hearing about baby naming preferences. My husband and I will be moving out of state and away from my parents & in-laws and I think we may try to come back for the whole summer if it ends up being a long-term move. (My husband just got a job as a teacher so he could come with us!) Glad to see that is a healthy, workable option we have.

  5. Mary Pat

    Kendra, I went to high school with your sweet mother, and I've always loved the cards she sends at Christmas. I've always admired you and your family and when I happened upon your blog tonight, I had no idea you were Camille's Kendra. I did wonder though and searched until I finally saw your last name and that really tickled me. You are an amazing young woman and I love your love for our Catholic Faith. Thank you for being open to God's plan for your life and open to your children. You give me great hope for the future. God bless you so much!!

    • Kendra

      Aww, thanks Mary Pat! How sweet. I'll tell my mom you stopped by. 🙂

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For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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