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I Was a Good Guy THIS WHOLE TIME: 7 Quick Takes II

by | Mar 1, 2013 | 7 Quick Takes, Kendra's Thoughts, Lent, Seasonal | 8 comments

— 1 —

My sister and her two little girls are visiting from Iowa this week.  Hooray for cousins!

Is Frankie finally surrendering?  I doubt it.  My sister’s baby likes to really rub it in by being super-smiley and charming AT ALL TIMES.  The other kids are calling them Cranky Frankie and Skylar Smiler.

— 2 —

Thanks to Cari at Clan Donaldson I know that there is a Harry Potter personality quiz.  It’s only 20 questions.  Head over to Pirate Monkeys Inc. to try it for yourself. (Note: this quiz is no longer there! However, there is Pottermore . . . )

Severus Snape | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom

I got Severus Snape.  Somebody tell my kids I’m going to turn out to have been a good guy THIS WHOLE TIME!

— 3 —

Tim Carney’s moving article about the life and death of his one year old nephew gives me hope that, with God’s grace,  I could perhaps handle that one thing that scares me most of all.

— 4 —

I am proud to announce that the Tierney family has adopted Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, Archbishop of Warsaw, Poland.  My kids are pretty excited to have our own personal Cardinal to pray for for the duration of the Conclave.  If only we could say his name <sigh>.  

Want a Cardinal of your own?  Go here!

— 5 —

Bobby, my seven year old Lego-catechist, has been at it again.  First he built a Lego church, complete with altar boys, collection box, and choir.  Now, he has made a Lego version of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in the furnace of blazing fire.  

The parts of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego appear to be being
played by Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, and Darth Vadar.
The guards are Indiana Jones and a Scotsman.

— 6 —

Great Moments in Homeschooling   Jack: (reading Boy’s Life magazine) Mom, do you think this joke is funny?

A baby snake says to his mom, “Mom are we poisonous?” and the Mom snake says, “Yes dear, we are.”  And the baby snake says, “Uh-oh, I just bit my tongue.”

Me: Yes, I think its pretty funny.  Do you think its funny? Jack: I guess so, but snakes aren’t poisonous, they’re venomous.

— 7 —  

I believe that my Lent so far can be best understood using one of my new favorite picture books . . . Oh No, George!

Like George, I am having success this year avoiding temptations that I have practiced avoiding before.

But the good thing about Lent is that it’s sooooooooooooooo long.

Encuentra aquĆ­.

Have you done (or not done) anything especially awesome for Lent this year? Head over here to sign up for the All for Jesus Lent Challenge and win an awesome Cathletics Craft Kit PDF. You’re doing Lent anyway, you might as well get an earthly reward to go along with the eternal one. And the list is outwardly anonymous, so it’s sure to not interfere with receiving your Lenten graces. (Note: This challenge has already ended.)

Thanks to Conversion Diary for hosting this 7 Quick Takes Link-up!


  1. Unknown

    My 7 year old son is now going to be looking at your blog for more Lego pictures. Okay, he is going to be bugging me to do it! He loves Legos and builds all the time.


  2. Justine of SewCountryChick

    Thanks for the links Kendra. I'm off to check them out. How is my Lent going? I am actually on a special diet but I fear it's more self serving and not spiritual enough to count. I did remember to not eat meat today and so far have, every Friday. Baby steps.

    • Kendra Tierney

      Hey, most of the things I give up for penance end up being their own reward right now. Those consolations are from God too, right? That's not being Pharisaical. Doing something for love of God is a decision. It's not a problem if it also allows your to fit in your skinny jeans. Keep it up!

  3. Kathleen Basi

    I've just spent an hour navigating from one post to another to another on your blog. (Like I had time for that this morning, LOL!) I'm sharing the post on getting yelled at by the mean church lady. I've been there!…it makes me FURIOUS. I do not understand the mentality.

    Oh wait, I'm supposed to be commenting on THIS post… :/

    • Kendra Tierney

      Thanks! I was certainly furious at first, but I'm now trying to win her over. My mom's friend suggested a bundt cake. It just might work. :0)

  4. Amanda

    I LOVE Oh No George. He's so repentant! But he struggles! He's like St Paul! I wonder where the kids put it….

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