Things I Know Now (that I wish I’d known then)

Having six kids under eleven is much easier than having three kids under four or two kids under two (both of which I also tried).

It’s easier because I have helpers now (As an aside: if there is any way you could figure out how to have an eight year old girl before you have a baby, I would highly recommend it.  They are the BEST!) and because I’m different than I was when I had one and two and three.  I basically know what to expect from babies and toddlers and kids and more importantly, I trust my parenting instincts.

So here are some of my From the Trenches posts: things I’ve learned by putting my hours in.  Things I wish I’d known back then when I was just starting this crazy, amazing journey.

Mass Survival Strategies That Work for Us

A Survival Guide to Air Travel With Small Children

A Survival Guide to Air Travel With Babies

Parenting With Authority

Always Mean What You Say

Expect Great Things (and you just might get them)

Encouraging Discerning Readership in Children

We DO In Fact Have Our Hands Full, Do We Not?