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So I Hear There’s This Movie . . . Star Wars?

by | Nov 22, 2015 | Birthdays, Printables | 13 comments

It’s supposed to be a big deal. 😉

It’s kind of all the small people in my house can talk about. Overshadowing even THE BIG MOVE . . . on team kid, at least.

They have watched the trailer only four hundred and sixty seven times.
Gus and Bobby have November and December birthdays just two weeks apart, and all the same interests, and all the same friends, so they’ve always shared a birthday party. 
We are a dedicated backyard birthday party family, but with the movie opening so close to their birthdays, they really, REALLY wanted to go to the movie with their friends. But those friends are spread out all over LA, so when we have parties, we invite whole families, which minimizes the driving burden. There was no way I was going to ask moms of many to drive one or two of their kids across town to drop them off at our house so we could take them to a movie, then have them turn around and come pick them up a couple hours later. I know I wouldn’t be willing to do two hours of driving so my kids could go to a three hour long birthday party.
Then Bobby had THE BIG IDEA.
Bobby: Why can’t we go around in the van and and pick everybody up?
Me: Because that would take the whole amount of time for a party.
Bobby: What if the party was IN THE VAN? Could we do that?
Me: Do people have parties in vans?
Jim: Yes, but they’re called bachelor parties.
So, we’re not having a bachelor party. But we are going to have the party in the van, I guess. It is a great van. I’ll let you know in a few weeks if there’s a reason people don’t usually throw eighth and tenth birthday parties in their vans.
AND, since Star Wars is all my kids have been thinking about, I decided to make a whole batch of Star Wars printables for the shop, just in time for you to get your Christmas shopping done before Advent, if you’re into that sort of thing.
It’s possible I have gotten a little carried away.
Here’s what’s available . . . 
in square or 8×10

3. Tatooine Morning Offering and A Galaxy Far Far Away Act of Contrition

Appropriate for older kids, I’m told by my older kids, in 8x10s or squares

5. Yoda Quotes

6. Buddy Quote Set

square, but can easily be cropped to 8×10
These can be printed at home on your printer. Or you can visit tinyprints, mpix, or Shutterfly to get
them made into prints, posters, throw pillows, mugs, candles, Christmas stockings, etc.
I actually made six of those square quotes, because the kids kept coming up with more quotes they wanted, but Etsy will only let you upload five files per listing. So, I figured I’d give you number six here on the blog, for free!
And since that’s totally random, I also made this Little Morning Offering for you guys, also free, and not available in the shop.
(BB-8 is supposed to be an “O.” It should be read O God, I offer you . . . )

Update: By popular demand, here it is as a square, excellent for throw pillows:

 As with all my printables, you are welcome to save the images to your
computer for your own personal use. You may print the images and / or
upload them and have prints made for your personal use or to give as
gifts. First click on the image to bring it up in a new window, then
right click on the image to save it to your computer. You may use my
images on your blog, just please link back to my blog. If you would like
to sell my images, please contact me first.

For LOTS MORE free printable prayers, check out my Pinterest board.

And for custom images, old favorites, and prayers, quotes, scripture,
and catechism, available as high quality digital downloads, check out the shop!

You might also enjoy . . . 

The Force is Strong With These Guys (but you already knew that)

DIY Chewbacca Sleepsack Mod and a Homemade X-Wing Bomber

So that’s that for now. Nothing to report, house-wise. Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. AnneMarie

    I love the idea of having the party in a van-I'm sure that'll be something the kids talk about for a long time after!! Ooh, these Star Wars printables are wonderful. I'm so excited for December 17!!!!!!

  2. Lizzie

    You guys are hilarious. I can't wait to hear about the boys' van party.

    The starwars posters are cute too.

  3. Sara Rooney

    A line from a Newsboys song seems appropriate… "Let's throw this party in gear, we brought the welcome mat, wherever we go that's where the party's at" Have fun! 😀

  4. Kristin Sanders

    3 years in a row, at my best friends birthday, her mom loaded us all up at the end of the party and dropped each person off at home. This is all I remember about these birthday parties….it was apparently so much fun (at the time haha). We sang this annoying country song on repeat for some reason, and made young kid mischief in a car. The first person to be dropped off was always so sad.

  5. Amanda

    Thank you God, for instagram, on which I can see the van birthday party. Amen

  6. Anonymous

    But how will you have room for anyone else in the van except for your family? I guess I don't understand how the logistics will work….

    • Kendra

      Two vans. One twelve seater party van. One sensible minivan full of sisters and Frankie.

  7. Kristi

    Wow. These Star Wars printables are sooooo great!!! Thanks for making them. I already have some of your free printables up in the house (incl. a "Morning Offering" you did a while back). I may have to visit your shop now …

    I hesitate adding an annoying footnote and coming clean as the Star Wars nerd that I am, but I think "Wookie" is spelled "Wookiee." [ducks and runs]

    • Kendra

      Well now that is just plain embarrassing. Thank you VERY much for telling me. I hope I won't get my geek card completely revoked. Maybe I can just get probation.

  8. Nancy Shuman

    Love the van idea, and will be interested in how it worked out! One of my most fun birthday memories is of being taken through an automatic car wash (in a car, lest you wonder) as part of my celebration -. complete with the singing of Happy Birthday as the water swirled around. We were all adults. Well, except during the Birthday song :).

  9. Anne Thomas

    I thought Leia said "nerve hurter" not "nerf herder." Let me know what the experts say!

    • Kendra

      From Star Wars Wikia: "Why, you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder!"
      "Who's scruffy-looking?"
      ―Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo
      A nerf herder, also spelled "nerf-herder" or "nerfherder", was someone who herded nerfs on various planets throughout the galaxy. As it was solely an occupation for lower-class beings, the term "nerf herder" became an insult used throughout the galaxy. Nerf herders were often somewhat simple, but as a result of living outdoors and fighting off anything that interfered with their herds, they became quite capable.

  10. Alea

    Did Yoda and St. Augustine share a quote? I've heard the quote 'do or do not, there is no try' (or very similar) attributed to him. I have not watched the previews yet, or my kids, but I'm wondering if it's going to be a movie I'd let them watch anyway. They haven't watched 2 or 3 yet, but all the others.

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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