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Kids Cook for Themselves: Friday Frittata

by | Aug 18, 2015 | Kids Cook for Themselves, Recipes | 14 comments

Scroll down to the end for the big winners of last week’s giveaway!

The kids have been doing most of the cooking around here this summer as I was super-pregnant-with, then snuggling-with baby Mary Jane. I figured we’d share another recipe today. This time brought to you by nine year old Bobby. Because, yes. Boys can cook, too.

Bobby is actually probably the most natural cook of the bunch.  He’s always enjoyed it, and was making pancakes for the family pretty much all by himself before he was eight. He is more cautious than Jack, but less cautious than Betty, which seems to be just about right for ending up with edible meals in a reasonable amount of time.

We keep mostly meat-free on Fridays, only occasionally substituting a different sacrifice for the year-round Friday penance required of Catholics. We have backyard hens, so there are usually plenty of eggs. So this frittata is one of our go to meals on Fridays.

It’s absolutely easy enough for older kids to make on their own, but does require things like chopping and cracking eggs and using both the stove and the oven. So, I made it WITH the kids the first few times, just to make sure they’d eventually be able to manage it unsupervised.

Frittata is pretty much just a fancy term for a baked omelet. When we eat it for breakfast, we call it a baked omelet, when we eat it for dinner, we call it frittata. But either way, it’s the perfect way to use up leftover cooked vegetables of any kind.

We didn’t happen to have any leftovers today, so we started from scratch.

I’ll let Bobby take it from here . . .

First I had to chop up the veggies. I know how to use a real knife. But it’s faster and easier and cooler to use this pull string chopper thingy. (Note from Mom . . .  I am a huge fan of this thing. Easy to use, easy to clean. I’m largely anti-gadget, but seriously, you need this: Veggie Chop Hand-Powered Food Chopper.)

I used a mix of bell peppers, onions, and broccoli. But you could use whatever you want: potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans, corn, whatever. Just not mushrooms. Those are just gross. For a dozen eggs, you want about three cups of veggies, chopped up really tiny.

I put the big (twelve inch) cast iron skillet onto the stove and let it start heating up over medium heat while I cracked all the twelve eggs into a big bowl and whisked them up.

I added some salt and pepper. (About a half teaspoon of each.)

Then I put a tablespoon or two of butter and a tablespoon or two of olive oil into the hot skillet.

And dumped the veggies in.

I moved them around in the pan to cook for a couple minutes, until they start to get a little soft.

Then turn the heat off and dump the eggs on top.

You can mix it if you want to, but you really don’t have to.

Then it goes into the oven at 350 degrees for about thirty minutes or until the eggs puff up in the middle. Then I took it out, put grated mozzarella cheese on top of it, and put it back into the oven under the broiler just until the cheese melted.

A dozen eggs is enough for our family for one dinner.

We served it with salad and bread on the side.

Here’s the recipe:

For more Kids Cook for Themselves, check out . . .



Top Secret Ten Minute Ice Cream Cake: Kids Cook for Themselves

And the winners (as selected by random number generator because I just couldn’t bring myself to try to pick!) are . . . 

Rachel Kratz, Jeannemp, and Liesl win the three month subscriptions to Netflix!


Schafergal wins the Catholicism Pilgrimage Journal!

If your comment profile is connected to your email address, I sent you an email. If you didn’t get an email from me, please send an email from you to me at helpdesk@catholicallyear.com so I can send you your prize! If I don’t hear from you by the end of the day on Wednesday, I’ll pick a new winner.


  1. AnneMarie

    That looks delicious! I've never made frittata, but I'll have to give it a try!

    • Kendra

      We have six right now, but we like to keep one per person. We'll get another batch of chicks once things settle down a bit.

  2. Erin

    We make this all the time too! Except I am totally jealous that your whole family is satisfied with one 12-egg omelet. I just have a husband, a toddler, and a baby (who barely eats so far, so really it's just the other two), and an 8-egg omelet gets polished off in one sitting. This is why the idea of feeding a large family frightens me! 😉

    • Lauren

      Erin, it took me a long time to learn that my children will eat whatever I feed them. If I make a lot of food, they'll eat a lot of food; if I make a smaller meal, they'll eat a smaller meal. I used to have times when I doubled a recipe, intending to freeze half for dinner another night, only to have my children eat more than half- so that I don't have enough left over for another whole meal. Once we figured out that we were in control of not just WHAT our kids eat, but also HOW MUCH they eat, our grocery bill went down. (Also, beefing up the meal – no pun intended- with side dishes, which are cheaper than meat, keeps the bellies full and the cost down.)

    • Munchie Mommy

      Ha ha Erin, I totally relate. We are a family of 5 plus a baby on the way, and 9 eggs gets polished off pretty quickly. Plus, I find trying to ration the portions only leaeds to everyone raiding the fridge and cupboard for bedtime snacks that are a lot less healthy than the extra dinner would have been.

    • Kendra

      We usually serve it with a big salad and cheese toast, so it ends up to be enough food. It's certainly edible as leftovers, but microwaved eggs aren't anyone's favorite, so I try to make just the right amount. 🙂

  3. Robyn

    I agree, Bobby, mushrooms are gross. Great recipe. My 9-year-old is learning how to cook and I think he would like to make a frittata.Our chickens should start laying eggs soon and we will have plenty of eggs.

  4. Julie

    I think Bobby did an amazing job. I can't wait to try to make this and get my almost 5 year old to help. And Bobby is totally right…mushrooms ARE gross.

  5. Chris

    Kendra, pls tell your son that we ……
    Love love love these…Thank you, Bobby!!!!

    My 12 yo son will be making these soon, Bobby, thanks to you! he enjoys cooking, sewing and crafting as well and this is right up his alley! He has 'guest posted" .some of his crafts and recipes for me too and he'll love reading this! ( And making the frittatas! )

    Go Bobby!! Thanks honey!

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