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Seven Quick Recaps of That Conference I Hosted

by | May 8, 2015 | 7 Quick Takes | 6 comments

The Catholic Women’s Blogging Conference: California Convention, was a couple of weekends ago now. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you already had a peek at the proceedings. But it was just so lovely, that I don’t want to let it go by without a little mention here on the blog. 

Here we are on Day 3: Mass & Family Brunch, doing a little What I Wore Sunday

Here’s the cast of characters . . .

It was attended by thirty awesome ladies from all walks of life and all types of blogs. And from as far away as Arizona and Oregon! Also in attendance were six babies out and four babies in, in case you were wondering if it was a CATHOLIC women blogger’s conference.

My favorite part of the weekend was getting to put a name and a personality to all the tiny little photos I know so well from blog-land. But I also had a great time giving away my PicMonkey secrets, and answering question in our panel discussions. And making the cookie name tags, of course. Come back next week and I will share them all with YOU, too :D)

The talks were all great. Kristin makes me want to be a podcaster, but only if she does all the behind the scenes work. Maybe I’ll just stick to being a guest on HER podcast.

Jenna’s social media talk convinced me to join Twitter, which I really didn’t think would EVER happen. But she is THAT good.

Micaela gave us all a beautiful reminder that Catholic blogging isn’t about the numbers. And Andrea and Jenny shared their touching stories of how blogs and social media helped bring them into the Catholic Church.

Jiza took a whole bunch of very lovely photos of the weekend.

A few of the attendees have written up some fabulous posts all about it. Check ’em out!

1. Micaela at California to Korea . . .

CWBN // CA: The redux plus all the feels

 I wanted to post this on Saturday evening.  My arms ached from holding a
fussy baby, my feet were on fire from standing all day, and I was about
to pass out from exhaustion, but my heart was full to bursting with
joy.  I was dying to type it out.  Alas, there were casseroles to be
made for Sunday, so I cooked instead.  Then last night I fell asleep
putting the boys to bed and never really made it back to consciousness.
 Post I will tonight, however, come waking baby or dirty dishes.  You
WILL read about how wonderful this weekend was, because if there is any
way you can get yourself some of that community goodness, I highly
encourage you to do so.

2. Laura Rose at Roses for Mommy

Catholic + Women + Bloggers + Community = CWBNCA 2015 

 The long and short is that I came away with blogging tips and tricks, yes, but even more than that, I came away with a true sense of community and support. I came home ready to say YES to the Holy Spirit in a bigger way in my life. I came home asking God how I could serve Him better. I came home seeking to grow more in holiness, and support these incredible women and others in their walks as well. I came home filled to overflowing.

3.  Bobbi at Revolution of Love Blog

CWBNCA Conference 2015: Journal & Recap

 There was a directory of participants (smart!), a beautiful print from
Blessed Is She and a pretty notebook to take notes. As I walked around,
it was the oddest sensation to see faces I recognized and to have people
come up and hug me and say they felt like they already know me. I am
big on family and sisterhood and the level of sisterhood at the event
was incredible. I never felt so comfortable with a group of Catholic
women in all my life. Even with the ones, I did not know well, there was
already an instant connection.

4. Ronni at The Screenwriter’s Wife

What April 2015 Did to My Blog. And How I’m Better Off For It.

 On 4/2/15, my post about living in a small house was featured on a large blog that I frequent. As a result, I had 16,485 hits in a single day. Sixteen THOUSAND.
It was totally surreal, but kind of awesome. I know that in the grand
scheme of things it’s nothing to get excited about and large blogs
wouldn’t blink an eye at those numbers, but for me it was pretty
freaking exciting. My 15 minutes of blogger fame. On 4/25/15, I attended a small local women’s blogging conference being put on my some bloggers I’d recently begun reading. The timing of things, y’all. The timing. Sometimes, things have a way of working out so fittingly that it just makes you wonder.

5. Amber at Laundry is Never Done

Walking with Mary through my fears… right to the CWBN Conference!

  I tell you about this prayer not to say, “Hey look at me! I’m so humble cuz I’m prayin’!” QUITE the opposite!!! I struggle immensely. But what I am reminded of is God’s desire for us to share our struggles and help each other carry our crosses. I tell you about this prayer because The Litany of Humility is life-changing. It has changed my life, is changing my life and I pray that it continues to change my life. The more I have said this prayer the more I noticed how it directly correlates to all of the things (i.e. situations/people/relationships) that I struggle with the most. *Disclaimer: please know that the more one says this prayer the more, ahem, opportunities arise to grow in humility. Some days haven’t been pretty. Yeah . . . back to that painful but necessary stuff. Somewhere in the middle of all the things going on in my life I heard about the Catholic Women’s Blogging Network California Conference.

6.  Mary at Sew Travel Inspired

A Day of Inspiration and Learning

 I spent today attending a Catholic Women’s Blogging Network blogging
conference and I must say, my head is spinning with everything that I’ve
learned.  I am a cradle Catholic and probably the least overtly Catholic women there.  There were about 35 amazing women present.  Many of them were converts to Catholicism and they were all passionate and verbal about their passion.  I was also the oldest.  I refused to let these things make me feel uncomfortable.  I had the best time and learned so much.

7. Jiza at Olive & Cyprus

Choosing Impact Over ‘Likes’: A Re-Cap on Catholic Women Blogging Network

 I remember the day I lost 6 followers on Instagram. Social media is such
a little thing in the grand scheme of life, but for me that week, I
took it hard. Initially from a small business standpoint, I questioned
where I was lacking in “marketing to potential clients”. I became bitter
and harsh on myself. I started comparing myself to other creatives. The
pride. The self-loathing. The envy. The negative train wreck bombarded
me all at once. After a few days, I finally stopped myself and invited
grace to enter & speak to my heart.


  1. Erica Saint

    The recaps are great. I love reading them. As I put in my recap of the CWBN Mid-Atlantic Conference, we are all God's "It Girl". Blogging is a funny thing. It can feel like our stories don't matter, or someone else can and has said it better, but we must do the work that God is calling us to do. He wants us to use our voice, to tell our stories, to bring others to Him. It makes my heart happy to know that I am in such good company, with so many women who are following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. 🙂

  2. Ashley Sue

    I love reading all these recaps! It's such an inspiration! Thanks ladies.

  3. Jane

    I read this inspired and hopeful that one day there might be a Canadian conference!

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