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Cranky Frankie Went to the Fair

by | Oct 18, 2014 | Catholic Living | 14 comments

We spent this afternoon and evening at our parish’s annual festival. A good time was had by all. Even Frankie. But you wouldn’t have known it to look at him.

Kid has a bad case of grumpy resting face.

There were just too, too many to Instagram them all, so I decided they needed their own blog post.

So, here goes . . . we’ll begin with Frankie on the ride he was talking about all day: The Blue Fwyin Cauw. As you can see, it’s all he remembered it would be.

For comparison purposes, here is how Anita experienced the same ride.

Then the swings. Careful buddy, you’re nearly smiling there.

And the roller coaster.

Then we had something to eat. Everyone loves to eat at the fair, right?

And listened to some live music.

And, finally, that most magical of childhood experiences, the carousel.

He really did have a good time, I promise.

So did we all.

Can’t get enough of Cranky Frankie?

There’s more . . .



  1. Kat

    Heehee cute photos! I always had a serious/grumpy face as a kid too. My family thought I was always mad, even when I was having so much fun. I am just a melancholic through and through. Our parish is having their festival this weekend too 🙂 We are having a Beatles tribute band tonight, can't wait!

  2. Ashley Sue

    Ahhh a melancholic! Welcome to the club Frankie; we give badge at the 10th meeting.

  3. Lizzie

    There was a family saying in my house when I was growing up: "I AM smiling." It may have started with my dad. And it might have been passed on to me.

  4. Cassie Williams

    Frankie and I are one in the same! My youngest would enjoy the fair but be slightly overwhelmed with all the noise. We get Frankie!

  5. Amanda

    What a funny little cranky boy 🙂 Your fair was unbelievably different that ours – a few booths where kids threw things for candy.

  6. Heather Woyak

    OH. MY. GOSH. He is so stinkin' cute! I love this post!! Frankie, you rock! 🙂

  7. Micaela Darr

    Cranky Frankie is my favorite 2 year old, and this is my favorite post of yours. Ever.

  8. Kate

    Smiles or no smiles, he is such a cutie!

  9. jen

    I love the jumping picture with Betty, Frankie, and Anita!

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