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We Had Easter, It Was Cute

by | Apr 1, 2013 | April, Easter, Easter, Liturgical Living, Parenting, Parties, Seasonal | 16 comments

Alleluia and Happy Easter!

We had a triumphantly adorable Easter, so I thought I’d try one of these what I wore link-ups to share.  And hey, today there are THREE!  Thanks to Camp Patton, The Practicing Catholic, and Fine Linen and Purple for hosting.

First, the what I wore part:

Here’s the whole gang after Mass at the Old Mission.
Girls’ dresses: Orient Expressed
sweaters: Old Navy
Hat: JCrew
Boys’ shirts and ties: Gymboree
Blazers & Khakis: Gap
Flexi hair clip: lilla rose
(Reader Heather sent me one to try out)
Jacket: JCrew
Dress: Anthropologie
Pearls: My grandmother
Shoes: Boden

Now let’s back up a bit, shall we?  (Please feel free to make your own rewinding noises at home.)

We figured we wouldn’t go to the Vigil, since we didn’t know any of the Catechumens or Candidates this year, and it’s a late night.  But Jack and Betty weren’t having it.  Jack was shocked, SHOCKED when we suggested that perhaps he only wanted to go for the treats afterwards, and insisted that he loved the pagentry and the immersion baptisms.  So off we went.  And had a lovely time.

The next morning began bright and early.  The Easter Bunny stopped by:

Leaving Easter baskets for all.
This is how excited Anita is about getting a new toothbrush.
He changed our Lenten Sacrifice Beans into Jelly Beans!
We had an Easter Egg Hunt in the back yard:

Blue Easter drool: cute or gross?  You decide.
The “Golden Egg” has a dollar in it.

Jack went out to the front yard and changed the sign on the cross he made as his quiet afternoon project on Good Friday:

Later, we hosted some friends for a really wonderful Easter dinner.

My Mom and I combined forces on a
Southern ham dinner with all the fixin’s.

And our guests brought desserts!

So this day has been officially siezed.  I feel so humbled and grateful.  Our God is good and triumphant.  Our family is hilarious, and beautiful, and fun.  Our friends are charming, and interesting, and generous.  Who could ask for more?

May all your Easter days be blessed.  Keep celebrating!


  1. Grace Marie

    You look so gorgeous, Kendra. ESP your accessories!

    Happy Easter to all!!

  2. Meghan Mella

    I love everything about your outfit!

    I also love that your Easter spread includes a bottle of Frank's Red Hot!

  3. Lisa Schmidt

    Hey, love to see you working that coral color! Beautiful outfit. Does that dress have pockets, too? If so, +10 for dress pockets!

    What a beautiful family! It was nice to "meet" you. Easter blessings to you all.

  4. Laura Pearl

    Your outfit is awesome–I love everything about it. (Hey, I wore my grandma's pearls for Easter Mass, too!)

    You have such a beautiful family. 🙂

  5. Shannon

    What a handsome family! And I love-love-love your jacket. So structured but feminine, and the color is great.

  6. Erica S.

    Your dress is beautiful! Looks like you all had a wonderful day!

  7. Nanacamille

    I was there and it was great from early morning to departure back to San Diego. Frankie did much better at getting his eggs in his basket than either his Mom or Aunt did at his age or his sister Betty did at finding them. I take credit for the kids' outfits but Kendra put together her own so way to go on that one.Alleluia!!!

  8. Mary

    You look beautiful!! Just beautiful!! I love the ruffle detail on your jacket…and your accessories rock!! Happy, happy easter to you and your sweet family!!

  9. Kate

    A) love your blog title. B) love your outfit C) your family is adorable D) let's be friends.

  10. Heather

    Looks like you had a beautiful celebration; and that your family had a lot of fun!

    Love the outfit; but of course, I'm especially fond of your gorgeous hair clip (not biased at all, right?).

    Thank you!

  11. Susan H.

    Your pictures were just priceless!! You captured the spirit of Easter so beautifully!! 🙂

  12. Lee

    Beautiful family, beautiful outfits, and beautiful accessories. Your photos are glorious. Happy Easter!

  13. Jessica Thornton

    Great outfit, great meal. Frank's Red Hot is a staple around here too. People have been known to give it up for Lent.

  14. Erica

    your family is so beautiful! and i love your dress – anthro has the best dresses, right?

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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