We’re Having an Epiphany, Are You?

by | Jan 5, 2013 | CAY on YouTube, Christmas, January, Liturgical Living, Seasonal | 12 comments

Merry Christmas to all!  Well, it’s still Christmasy here, even if the mall has moved on to Spring Break.  Although the husband has recently informed me that there are actually only eight days of Christmas NOT twelve.  I would argue that that’s the kind of information a person should keep to himself and I will have twelve days, thank you very much.

At our house, the three wise men set off on Christmas.  And traveling only by night and always in secret, they journey through the various rooms.

Here’s where we found them yesterday.
Did you spot them?

Until they finally make their way to the rest of the nativity set on the mantle on January 6th.

I think we’ve got room for a couple more stockings, don’t you?

And if you look closely at that top photo again, you’ll see that the outdoor wise men are also sneaking up on the outdoor Holy Family. 

Thanks to our friends from Argentina (the De Tezanos Pinto family, we miss you!) we learned that on the eve of Epiphany we must leave out some snacks for the Three Kings and some water and hay (grass from the yard seems to work) for their camels.  Ever since we started doing this, they have left us golden chocolate coins!  Very exciting.  We can tell that the camels really stopped by because they have eaten the grass out of the container and left a bunch of camel spit in there (which looks a lot like an egg white that’s been whipped up a bit).

Baking a delicious Epiphany King Cake with the Tierney clan!

For breakfast on Epiphany, we always have a King Cake.  Not the kind you get in New Orleans, I usually make Grandma Brace’s Coffee Cake (yum), but the key is to put a ring in the cake before baking.  The cake must be small enough that the whole thing will be eaten that morning, otherwise you run the risk that no one would get the ring!  Put the cake down bottom down (or the ring will show since it sinks to the bottom) then slice the cake in equal sized slices for each member of the family.  Hand them out and whoever gets the ring is the King (or Queen) of Epiphany.  The King (or Queen) gets to choose what we have for meals (from what’s in the house), where to sit, and what we do for fun that day.  Believe me, everyone is rooting against Jack (10).  He’s a real tyrant.

We’ll have something nice for dinner and have dessert because after all, it’s a feast!

Well, that’s what we’re doing.  How are you going to celebrate Epiphany at your house?


  1. Anonymous

    This year, we've been opening one present (either per person or one for the whole family) for each day of Christmas. We'll open our remaining presents and also read our favorite Epiphany books, The Story of the Three Wise Kings and The Legend of Old Befana, both by Tomie de Paola.

    Happy Epiphany!

    • Kendra

      Abby, I love your idea. I hate telling my kids, "Stop playing with those toys, you have more presents to open!". Especially with out of town family presents, why not spread the joy (and craziness) out a bit?

    • Quaerens

      For four years running, we open family presents – those from siblings and parents- on Epiphany. On St. Nicholas, we so stockings and usually a few learning gifts/books, on Christmas Eve one present for the whole family (usually a movie or game) as a birthday gift for Jesus- because Jesus gives everything for us, even his birthday gift. Christmas Day, presents from grands and godparents and such. Which is always enough. Then, nuclear family gifts with the three kings. Plus the traveling wise men (sans chocolate, don't tell my kids!)

  2. Nanacamille

    I put away all of the Santa stuff today by way of my celebration…whew. The Nativity sets are still out (and that's a lot of them) with the 3 Wise Men (Balthazar from Arabia with Frankincense, Gaspar from India with Myrrh & Melchchior from Persia with Gold) and their camels (Clyde, Clarence & Alice) making their way to the Baby Jesus. Herod is still waiting for them at his palace to come back with the location but I have another route for their way home.

    God Bless, Nana

    • Kendra

      Thanks Coco! I just made your enchildas verdes recipe again. When will that one be up on VidaCoco? The Chicken, corn and green chile chowder looks perfect for January, I'll have to try it.

  3. Anonymous

    Merry Christmas! Happy Epiphany celebration!

    Yes… The Three Kings stopped in our home, and they brought some gifts for Baby Jesus and for us too!

    Also, the camels swallowed the carrots, the grass with a little snow and they left empty the bucket with water…

    They were in a hurry to visit other homes! We are happy they went to your homes as well !!!

    We are at the end of the Christmas Season, it is the beginning of the Christ Season!

    Every day to celebrate, to live, to share!!!

    Carol Brennan de Tezanos Pinto

  4. Beth Anne @ Beth Anne's Best

    That is so cool! I like leaving the water and hay for the camels. La Befana always visits us on Ephiaphany and leaves us candy, fruit, small toys in our shoes (Italian Tradition). We always use our wooden shoes from Holland (I have no idea why we started doing that I think because they are bigger than regular shoes ha)

  5. Jenn Miller

    This year, I'm going to Mass at 6:30 am, followed by hanging out at the local Panera bread as a "traveling theologian" in case anyone has any questions about the faith. Then, after work, I will do the traditional Epiphany home blessing. Oh, and my wise men will make it to the manger. 🙂

  6. Shirelle Edghill

    We're having an Epiphany Party. We'll be having friends over for food 'from the east'…hummus, pita, olives, wine, etc…and a Rosca cake, because we live in Texas.

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