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The Catholic All Year Quick Gift Guide for Catholics (and non-Catholics)

by | Nov 27, 2015 | Advent | 5 comments

As someone somewhere in this blessed country is getting knocked unconscious over a discounted Keurig Machine, I plan to be observing Black Friday by continuing our family tradition of watching all of the Lord of the Rings movies (and none of the Hobbit movies) over Thanksgiving weekend and finishing up my Christmas shopping from the comfort of my iPad. So cozy.

In case you are also in a shopping mood, you might wish to check out . . .

Some books and toys we love:


Spoiler alter, one of those ten things is Kiwi Crate, which my kids use and love (not sponsored, we pay for it. We just like it). There’s a Black Friday deal, this week only, for 60% off your first month of any of the lines: Koala Crate, Kiwi Crate, Doodle Crate, or Tinker Crate. We get ALL of them. There are also individual Christmas craft kits available for 50% off. No promo codes needed, and if you shop through my affiliate link, I get a small referral fee at no cost to you. So, thanks!
Our Advent favorites:
And ’cause I can’t stop (and I won’t stop) on the Printable Prayers Shop at Cafepress, there’s a bunch of new stuff over there. Here are the sections so far:

Drinking with the Saints

Featuring quotes about drinking by saints and other Catholics on coasters, pint glasses, shot glasses, t-shirts, and more. (Hat tip to Sarah at Catholic Drinkie for the excellent quotes.) 

The Princess Bride

Featuring quotes from everyone’s favorite movie (it IS everyone’s favorite movie, right?) on prints, mugs, cups, bags, jewelry, pajamas, and more.


Featuring quotes about wine by Hilare Belloc and Pope St. John XXIII on coasters, trivets, clocks, aprons, wine charms, and more.


The Official Catholic Blessing for Beer from the Rituale Romanum, which is a real thing that exists because Catholics are cool.

Defend Us in Battle

The St. Michael prayer in regular plus, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Police Force versions, on shirts, mousepads, clipboards, water bottles, etc.. The Army version is awaiting the required approval from the official Cafepress Army fan page. 😛 Hopefully they should unfreeze all the Army stuff in the next couple of days.

Update: I am Official U.S. Army Fan Page Approved! See all the Army St. Michael stuff here.


Ye Olde JPII Shoppe

JPII. ‘Nuff said.

Plan of Life

Stuff to help you pray through the day: Morning Offerings, Grace Before and After Meals, Night Prayer, etc.


Posters, cards, pillows, cups, etc, all for Advent.

Fairy Tale

The fairy tale guardian angel prayer on sippy cups, onesies, pillows, and pillowcases, amongst other things.
Unfortunately, I can’t sell the superhero or Star Wars stuff on Cafepress. It is, however, all still available in the Printable Prayers Etsy shop, where you can purchase it and do with it as you please, print and pillow-wise.
I’m happy to put existing prints from the Etsy shop, or the Printable Prayers Pinterest page on any items available from Cafepress. Just ask.
I can also put any of the new images from Cafepress in the Etsy Shop. Just ask.
If you’d like any quotes or prayers that I have yet to create, please place a custom order over on Etsy using this link. You’ll receive the downloadable image made just for you to print as many times as you please, plus I’m happy to put it on stuff for you at Cafepress.
And, if you’re shopping, please check out my lovely sponsors this month:
Hatch Prints has all new hand-painted and hand-lettered art prints for Advent, Christmas, and everyday. See the upper right corner of the blog for a sample of what you’ll find over there.
Lilla Rose offers beautiful and functional hair clips and bands that actually stay in!
Happy shopping, and happy Advent, and Happy CATHOLIC New Year . . . don’t forget Catholic New Year’s Eve on Saturday!
click here to check out kiwi crate 


  1. Lizzie

    Awesome gift ideas. I may purchase a couple despite the crippling exchange rate and shipping to Canada 😛

    I'll also be shopping from the comfort of my living room, although I got a good head start on things earlier this year. It would be nice to be done before advent.

    We usually watch Lord of the Rings around Christmas vacation, but I like the idea of watching it at Thanksgiving.

  2. Katie Christensen

    I like the idea of the Kiwi Crate, but do your kids need help doing the activities or are they able to do them on their own? I'm thinking about the 5-7 year olds.

    • Kendra

      I asked my kids, and the consensus is seven, yes, five, no. The projects themselves are very do-able for five year olds, but they need help with reading instructions and understanding what to do.

      It works great in our house because it's something the big kids want to help the little kids with, and it's less frustrating than trying to come up with their own projects to do together. But for a house without kids over ten, I'd say it would require some help and supervision from a grownup.

  3. Unknown

    Woohoo! A beer stein with the official Catholic beer blessing on it? Well, Dad's Christmas present is taken care of for this year. Perfect! Thanks!

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Hi! I’m Kendra.

For twenty years now, I’ve been using food, prayer, and conversation based around the liturgical calendar to share the lives of the saints and the beautiful truths and traditions of our Catholic faith. My own ten children, our friends and neighbors, and people just like you have been on this journey with me.

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